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Abandoned Berkeley Pit mine outside Butte, Montana. Produced copper as well as some gold and silver.
15 Stock Video Clips
TRT: 6 Minutes 02 Seconds
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About The Clips: Abandoned Berkeley Pit mine just outside Butte, Montana. Clips show old wooden mining equipment, a building, a tower, and large piles and mounds of excavated material and other debris with an urbanized area in the background. This mine produced copper as well as some gold and silver. Clips also show mountainside terracing and a large terraced open pit flooded with water. Pans and zooms help establish the scale and context of this abandoned mining site.
Comments On Clip Subjects: Abandoned mines are common, and the public is often left to pay the cost of clearing away equipment and debris, draining and/or filling flooded pits, and dealing with the often badly contaminated drainage.
Related Clip Groups: Mining and mills here, acid mine drainage here, Montana gold mines here, rock mining in South Florida here, and archival mining here.