Archived Video Stock Footage
Archival Mining
EcoIQ.com’s video stock footage clips are no longer available for purchase. We will continue to make our more than 5000 preview clips viewable for historical and archival purposes.
Mine Stills - Archival - vs0535
4 Clips
TRT 1:00
Static shots of four photos of underground mining. Shots contain
heavy equipment used in mining and show the rock walls of a
mine. Circa 1970s.
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Zonolite Vermiculite
Mine - Archival - vs0536
31 Clips
TRT 4:29
Black and white clips of a Zonolite vermiculite mining operation.
Shots of a dragline excavator bucket and shots of a stripping
shovel moving earth. Trucks carrying ore and moving mining equipment.
Explosives detonating on hillside. Circa 1920s.
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Zonolite Vermiculite
Mine - Archival-1 - vs0537
71 Clips
TRT 25:27
Views of a Zonolite vermiculite mining operation. Pans of mine
on hillside and surrounding forested areas. Haul trucks being
loaded by stripping shovel, driving, and dumping payload into
a chute. Processing facility under construction. Circa 1950s.
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Ore Samples - vs0538
13 Clips
TRT 2:49
Close ups of vermiculite ore sample packages. Packaging text
includes "Hold a Lighted Match to a Particle of Vermiculite
and WATCH IT EXPAND!" Close ups of the textured surface
of vermiculite.
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Ads, Fliers, Mine Maps - vs0539
34 Clips
TRT 6:23
Static shots, pans, and zooms of Zonolite vermiculite ads, fliers,
and mine maps. Pan down from drawing of man pouring bag of insulation
to text stating "Permanent as the Earth Itself." Flyer
headline - "Do You Know What Your Heat Losses Cost You
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Mine, Butte, Montana - vs0540
2 Clips
TRT 0:47
Wideshot pans of an abandoned mine in Butte, Montana, showing
stripped and tiered rock walls. Circa 1950s.
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Arizona Asbestos
Mining - Archival - vs0541
8 Clips
TRT 0:54
Close up of seams of asbestos with a hand pulling fibrous strands
from it. Close up of hands pulling apart a piece of asbestos
showing its fibrous quality. Donkeys exiting a mine and carrying
packs on a hillside trail. Black and white, circa 1950s.
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Quebec Asbestos
Mining - Archival - vs0542
25 Clips
TRT 1:53
Shots of mine workers setting explosives on a rocky hillside.
Explosion with dust cloud. Workers hammering asbestos into small
pieces. Steam shovel loading rail cars. Asbestos being processed
and moved on a conveyor belt. Wide shot pans of a Quebec mining
town. Black and white, circa 1930s.
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Quebec Asbestos
Mining - Archival-1 - vs0543
23 Clips
TRT 2:54
Includes pan of tiered asbestos mine in Quebec. Static shot
of use of explosive. Stripping shovel loading haul truck. Mining
car in tunnel is turned upside down to dump payload into rock
crusher. Miner using a mining drill underground. Miners leaving
the mine. Aerial wideshots. Sepia toned, circa 1950s.
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