Navigating EcoIQ.com Many of the resources offered on EcoIQ.com are made available on topic pages. This permits more quickly and easily locating what is of greatest interest to you. Guide to Speaking Success Resources include extensive discussion of how best to showcase your speaking talents as well as discussion of the most effective techniques to turn inquiries into speaking engagements. Also included are some sample videos. Video Productions & Services In the ten years from 1998 through 2008, EcoIQ.com was in the video production business. We produced videos for the EcoSpeakers YouTube Channel, we shot and/or edited some 5000 stock footage clips on a wide range of sustainability-related topics, and we developed an index of resources for video producers. About EcoIQ.com & Contact Us This section includes our About EcoIQ.com page, a description of our history and evolution, a collection of the best still relevant articles from EcoIQ Magazine, a bio and links to legacy articles and reports by EcoIQ founder Dennis Church, and finally, contact information for EcoIQ.com, PromotingDemocracy.com, and StrengtheningDemocracyNow.com. Eco-Media Collections by Topic Videos By Topic Audios By Topic Articles By Topic Websites By Topic StrengtheningDemocracyNow.com & PromotingDemocracy.com The collections of articles and resource pages available through the dropdown menu below cover how and why we can and should get personally involved in the struggle to strengthen our democracy. Next, it includes what we can expect the challenges and opportunities to look like from a local community perspective, why building up our capacity to cooperate must be an overarching objective, how we can make ourselves more effective as pro-democracy and sustainability activists, and how activist groups can raise the funds need to support ramping up their efforts for 2024. The dropdown includes a directory of the national groups that are helping and that we in turn can support as well as a link to our website created for the 2022 election, PromotingDemocracy.com. Home | Writing Projects | Video Productions & Services © Copyright 1997-2024 EcoIQ |