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Acid mine drainage from an historic mining district adjacent to the Upper Blackfoot River in Montana.
15 Stock Video Clips
TRT: 2 Minutes 33 Seconds
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About The Clips: Acid mine drainage from an historic mining district adjacent to the Upper Blackfoot River in Montana. Clips show the drainage channels and creeks turned orange-red by the effects of the acidic water. Drainage flows through wooded areas and in channels bordered by the remaining snows of early spring. Water flows both into and out of drainage pipes, along channels lined with rocks, and rests stagnant in small manmade pools. Several clips show dead or dying trees and/or vegetation. Shot in early spring of 1994.
Comments On Clip Subjects: Acid mine drainage can persist essentially indefinitely, and the cost to treat the drainage is often borne by the public. Cleaning up old mine sites to eliminate acid drainage is often virtually impossible.
Related Clip Groups: Mining and mills here, Montana gold mines here, rock mining in South Florida here, the abandoned Berkeley Pit mine here, and archival mining here.