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Archived Video Stock Footage
Mining & Mills’s video stock footage clips are no longer available for purchase. We will continue to make our more than 5000 preview clips viewable for historical and archival purposes.

Great Lakes Steel Mill - vs0001
7 Clips TRT 4:03
Panning wideshots of the Algoma Steel Plant shot from a slow moving boat. Shots include dock and rail facilities, Canada's largest blast furnace, large mounds of iron ore pellets, and piles of crushed limestone. Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Canada. QuickTime Preview Here | Details>>

Acid Mine Drainage - vs0266
15 Clips TRT 2:33
Acid mine drainage from an historic mining district in Montana. Drainage channels and creeks are turned orange-red by the effects of the acid. Shots of water flowing into and out of drainage pipes, along rock-lined channels, and in stagnant pools. Several clips show dying trees and vegetation. QuickTime Preview Here | Details>>

Montana Gold Mines - vs0267
28 Clips TRT 4:49
Two operating gold mines as well as cyanide leach pads in Montana circa 1980s. Deeply terraced open pit mine. Mining trucks hauling ore, a bulldozer moving dirt, and mine terraces, pits, and rock piles. A small boat sunk in a lined drainage pit, and some parked heavy equipment. Operating cyanide leach pads and a cyanide container and label. QuickTime Preview Here | Details>>

Rock Mining In Southern Florida - vs0268
3 Clips TRT 2:48
Static profile shots of a dragline excavator dropping its bucket into a body of water and scooping out loads of rock. The rock is piled on adjacent land. The whole process is illuminated by powerful searchlights on the excavator boom. QuickTime Preview Here | Details>>

Abandoned Berkeley Pit Mine - vs0269
15 Clips TRT 6:03
Clips show old wooden mining equipment, a building, a tower, and large piles and mounds of excavated material and other debris with an urbanized area in the background. Clips also show mountainside terracing and a large terraced open pit flooded with water. Just outside Butte, Montana. QuickTime Preview Here | Details>>

Vermiculite Mine Aerial Views - vs0376
19 Clips TRT 4:05
Aerial wideshot views of a vermiculite mine. Shots from many angles show a large deforested and terraced mine surrounded by green forested hillsides. QuickTime Preview Here

Lead Mine & Impacts - vs0377
33 Clips TRT 4:07
Views of a lead mining facility and its land and water impacts. Shots of an eroded hillside and adjacent pond. Shots of large trucks leaving the facility. Views of buildings, ramps, and a water tower. QuickTime Preview Here

Surface Mine, Shovel & Truck - vs0384
5 Clips TRT 1:01
Shots of a surface mine with a stripping shovel and a large haul truck. Wide shot of the shovel loading ore into the haul truck with the mine wall in the background. Zooming out shot of the haul truck dumping its payload. Shot of the truck driving away. QuickTime Preview Here

Rail Construction, Ore Train - vs0385
3 Clips TRT 0:29
Shots of workers wearing hard hats doing railroad track construction. Worker hammers a railroad tie with a sledgehammer. Zoom out from close up of the rear of an ore train to wideshot of train cars. Circa 1970s. QuickTime Preview Here

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