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Operating gold mines and cyanide leach pads in Montana. Mostly closed now due to environmental impacts.
28 Stock Video Clips
TRT: 4 Minutes 49 Seconds
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About The Clips: Clips show two operating gold mines as well as cyanide leach pads in Montana. Much of what is shown is today no longer in operation due to environmental impacts and conflicts. The first mine is an open pit and deeply terraced operation, and clips show mining trucks hauling ore, a bulldozer moving dirt, and several shots of the mine terraces, pits, and rock piles. Close ups of very large mining trucks are included. Footage of the second mine includes clips of a rock face, a small boat sunk in a lined drainage pit, and some heavy equipment. The cyanide leach pad clips show a cyanide container and label as well as several shots of the leach pads themselves. Some clips contain some analog anomalies, and are included because they are historically significant and cannot today be duplicated.
Comments On Clip Subjects: Mining often produces very significant environmental impacts, and serious water pollution problems generally head the list. Cyanide leach pad gold extraction has often produced deadly impacts on surrounding lands and waters.
Related Clip Groups: Mining and mills here, acid mine drainage here, rock mining in South Florida here, the abandoned Berkeley Pit mine here, and archival mining here.