’s video stock footage clips are no longer available for purchase. We will continue to make our more than 5000 preview clips viewable for historical and archival purposes.
Green Waste
Trucks Unloading - vs0147 7 Clips
TRT 2:46
Wide shot of a green waste truck with a large pile of processed
material in the background. Medium and wide shots of a truck
pushing out a massive load of green waste. Close ups of "Lawn
Trimmings? We make the mulch of them!" and "GreenWaste Recovery"
truck signs. QuickTime
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Green Waste For Recycling - vs0148 14 Clips
TRT 5:35
Green waste processing equipment in operation, including a rotating
screening cylinder (aka, a trommel). Shots of a hydraulic excavator
scooping up green waste from a large pile and dumping it into
a tub grinder. Ground and screened green waste moving on inclined
conveyor belts and dropping onto piles. Front loader pushing
processed material into a large pile. QuickTime
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Windrow Composting
Of Green Waste - vs0149 17 Clips
TRT 4:33
Pan and zoom out shots from a tub grinder to windrows of composting
green waste. Close ups of a windrow turner. Material dropping
off a conveyor into a pile with windrows in the background.
Close up pan of material moving on a conveyor belt. Shots of
a front loader putting material into a dump truck. QuickTime
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Screen & Load
Finished Compost - vs0150 4 Clips
TRT 1:29
Medium and wide shots of a rotating trommel screening green
waste, with conveyors dumping finished compost onto piles. Shot
of a front loader scooping up compost from a large pile and
loading it into a truck. QuickTime
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Load Finished
Recycled Mulch - vs0151 5 Clips
TRT 3:31
Varied shots of a front loader scooping up finished mulch from
a large pile and loading it into a semi truck trailer. Zoom
out from close up of a large front loader driving to the top
of a pile of mulch, dumping a load, backing up, and then driving
away. QuickTime
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