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Red agricultural combine shown in operation under a blue cloudless sky with mountains in the background.
5 Stock Video Clips
TRT: 2 Minutes 42 Seconds
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About The Clips: Red agricultural combine shown in operation. A combine cuts and gathers the standing crop, threshing the seed from the stem, separating the chaff, collecting the seed in a hopper for delivery to a truck, and returning the straw to the ground. These clips show a combine operating on a breezy day under a blue cloudless sky with mountains in the background. The combine is shown coming toward the camera, turning, and moving from right to left across the frame, both perpendicular to the camera and angling away.
Comments On Clip Subjects: Modern combines feature dust-free, air-conditioned cabs and can handle more than 100 acres of grain per day. Originally developed for cereal grains, the combine has been adapted to legumes, forage grasses, sorghum, and corn.
Related Clip Groups: Farming here, center pivot overhead irrigation here, sheep ranching here, and ranching, cattle and meat here.