Archived Video Stock Footage
EcoIQ.com’s video stock footage clips are no longer available for purchase. We will continue to make our more than 5000 preview clips viewable for historical and archival purposes.
Operating Combine
- vs0281
5 Clips
TRT 2:42
Views of a red combine harvesting fields of grain. Medium, wide,
and extremely wide shots. Medium shot shows combine moving toward
the camera and then turning perpendicular to it. Sunny with
light blue sky and grain waving in the wind.
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Hay Bales
In Fields & Stacked - vs0282
12 Clips
TRT 2:39
Shots of round hay bales (a.k.a. hay rolls) in a green field,
then zoom to wideshot of fields and sky. Stacks of round hay
bales in a field. Multiple shots including adjacent sprinklers
irrigating field. One angled shot looking down at round hay
bales in a dry field.
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Center Pivot
Overhead Irrigation - vs0283
20 Clips
TRT 4:52
Views of center pivot overhead irrigation systems irrigating
fields (aka, watering fields). Static wideshot of pivot system
operating in the middle of a green field with a red barn in
the background. Multiple zooms out from close ups of irrigation
heads to wideshots of the pivot system in operation. Shots of
an irrigation system operating next to stacked hay bales.
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Combines - vs0340
23 Clips
TRT 5:34
Varied shots of combines harvesting windrows of dried grasses
in fields. Shot of combine lifting its header, turning 90 degrees,
and dropping it back down. Shots of rear of combine spitting
out and spreading chaff and straw. Close ups of header and cross
auger taking in grasses. Multiple shots of two combines working
in the same field.
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Green Tractor
Plowing Field - vs0350
4 Clips
TRT 0:57
Shots of a green tractor plowing a field of dry grass. One shot
panning with the tractor. One extremely wide static shot of
the tractor crossing the field with a building in the distance.
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Combine Unloading
Into Truck - vs0351
3 Clips
TRT 0:53
Static wide shot from the rear of a combine pulling up to a
truck and unloading grain. Farmer steps down and checks the
combine. Close up of grain blowing out of a tube and into the
truck with clouds of grain dust billowing. Close up of farmer
operating a combine.
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Water Pump & Cattle - vs0352
7 Clips
TRT 1:18
Static wide shot of a metal water-pumping windmill (a.k.a. a
wind pump) with a cow and two calves below it and in front of
metal water troughs. Close up of the rotating blades of the
windmill. Zoom out from cows to wide shot. Green hillside and
blue sky background.
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Red Tractor
Plowing Field - vs0354
2 Clips
TRT 0:21
Two static wideshots of a red tractor pulling a plow in a dry
grass field. These profile views show the tractor entering the
frame, plowing across the field, and exiting the frame.
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Combine Operating
In Grain Fields - vs0355
2 Clips
TRT 0:51
Two static wide shots of a combine operating in grain fields.
The combine creates a cloud of dust as it moves across the fields.
Uncut grain waves in the wind in the foreground.
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Combine Operating
In Grain Fields-1 - vs0356
2 Clips
TRT 1:07
Shot of a combine harvesting a swath of grain in a field. While
the combine is moving, the operator steps out of the cab and
checks the grain bin. Distant wide shot of a combine turning
around at the far end of a field.
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Tractor Plowing
With Close-Ups - vs0357
3 Clips
TRT 0:22
Close up shot of a disc plow behind a tractor plowing a field.
Medium shot of the rear of a tractor pulling a plow through
a dirt field, dust rising from field. Zoom out from profile
of tractor in field, with birds and dried corn stalks in the
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Tobacco Farm
& Harvesting Tobacco - vs0359
6 Clips
TRT 0:37
Zoom out shot of farmer in overalls harvesting tobacco. Farmer
cutting tobacco and spearing it on a drying pole. Farmer loading
a pole of harvested tobacco onto a flatbed. Farmer driving tractor
surrounded by tobacco plants. Wideshot of farmers hanging poles
of tobacco in a barn. Circa 1970s.
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Spraying & Waste Cans - vs0360
2 Clips
TRT 0:13
Zooming shot showing a pile of herbicide cans ending with a
close up showing a can labeled "Triverdax" (a name for trifluralin).
Wide shot of an herbicide spraying vehicle turning around in
a field and lowering its boom sprayer.
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Farming &
Ranching Structures - vs0567
8 Clips
TRT 1:11
Shots of a ranch house in the background with a tractor in a
field in the foreground. Zoom out from gated dirt road next
to cattle pens with a dairy silo in the background. Wide shot
of part of a barn with farmers hanging tobacco and farm field
in background. Wideshot of fields with three silos on the horizon.
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