Archived Video Stock Footage
Ranching, Cattle & Meat
EcoIQ.com’s video stock footage clips are no longer available for purchase. We will continue to make our more than 5000 preview clips viewable for historical and archival purposes.
Meat Counter - vs0277
9 Clips
TRT 0:55
Includes dolly shots of packaged red meat and poultry. Static
wide shot of meat on shelves in a refrigerated bin. One zoom
out from price sign. One zoom out from package label.
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Beef Lovers
- vs0278
13 Clips
TRT 2:42
Close up of steak being cut with knife and fork. Extreme close
up profile of a man eating a burger. Zoom out from "Half LB
Monsterburger" marquee sign. Large cheeseburger banner sign.
Fast food restaurant billboard that says "Welcome To Big Beef
Country." Promotional billboard that reads "Enjoy Beef. Real
Food For Real People."
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Cattle Grazing
In Light Snow - vs0279
11 Clips
TRT 2:24
Varied shots of a small herd of cattle grazing in a field dusted
with snow. Zooms in and out from grazing cattle. Static wide
shots of cattle with wood and barbed wire fence in foreground.
Zoom out from fence close up. Shot of cattle walking in field.
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Steers Lock
Horns - vs0284
4 Clips
TRT 1:20
Shot of two black steers locking horns in the middle of a road.
Repeated at slower speed. Shots of a cowboy on horseback with
a dog crossing the road and driving off the steers.
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Cattle Close-Ups
On Rangeland - vs0327
28 Clips
TRT 7:27
Static shot of a black cow crossing a grassland area. Portrait
shots of cattle in fields. Zooms, pans, and static close ups
of cattle. Cattle looking into the camera. Cattle kicking up
dust. Wide shots of cattle on rangeland with mountains in the
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Cattle In
Pasture With Trees - vs0328
10 Clips
TRT 2:05
Static shots of cattle standing and walking with trees in the
background. Wide zooming shots in and out from cattle with a
green field in the foreground.
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Cattle Grazing
& Storm Approaching - vs0329
7 Clips
TRT 3:01
Shots of cattle walking in a field with tall brush being blown
by the wind. Panning shot with cattle walking in the sunny foreground
with deep shadows cast by dark storm clouds on the hillside
in the background. Zoom out from cattle to a wide shot of a
green meadow with mountains and dark cloudy skies in the background.
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Grazing Cattle
Viewed From Car - vs0330
2 Clips
TRT 1:09
Two panning wide shots of cattle grazing in fields taken from
a moving car. One shot with low dry grasses and clear blue sky.
One shot with green grass, partly cloudy skies, and mountains
in the background.
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Cattle Grazing
Around A Pond - vs0332
6 Clips
TRT 0:39
Zooming out and static wide shots of cattle standing and lying
down around a pond in a large grass field.
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Cattle Feedlots
– Wood Pens - vs0333
10 Clips
TRT 2:19
Close up, medium, and wide shots of a large number of cattle
in a wood feedlot pen. Shots of cattle behind a wood fence.
Shots of cows running and kicking up dust.
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Cattle Feedlots
– Metal Pens - vs0334
17 Clips
TRT 1:31
A static shot of cattle in metal feedlot pens. Panning wide
shots of a feedlot taken from a moving car. Tight and medium
shots of cattle packed together behind a metal fence. Shots
of a gated dirt road between two feedlot pens.
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Cattle By
Wood Fence & Building - vs0344
3 Clips
TRT 0:18
Shots of cattle standing in a field behind a log fence. One
wide shot of cattle lying in a field in front of a house with
small branches in the foreground framing the shot.
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Truck Brings
Water To Corral - vs0345
6 Clips
TRT 1:37
Wide shot of a red and white water truck pulling up to a corral.
Varied shots of a young cowboy with a hose putting water into
the corral, including shots of him standing and sitting on the
wood corral fence.
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No Trespassing
Sign On Ranch Gate - vs0348
8 Clips
TRT 1:43
Close ups, wide shots, and zooms of a yellow "No Trespassing"
and ranch name sign on a rusted metal ranch gate. Behind the
gate is a field with trees and blue sky in the background.
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Cattle Grazing
From Distance - vs0349
4 Clips
TRT 0:59
Wide shots of cattle grazing in the distance on a dry grassy
field with a stand of trees in the background. Grasses blowing
in the wind. Pan up from cow patties (manure) close up to cattle
in distance. Zoom out to extremely wide shot of the same field
with cow patties on the ground.
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Cow & Calf
- vs0353
2 Clips
TRT 0:28
Static shots of a cow and a calf in a green field with rocky
hills in the background. The cow drops its head down and eats
from a small barrel as the calf walks and stands nearby.
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Cows & Hay
Bales In Snow - vs0358
3 Clips
TRT 0:17
Low angle close ups of cows feeding on hay bales in the snow.
The cows have a dusting of snow on their backs. Grey sky with
light snowfall.
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Matador Fighting
Bull - vs0426
17 Clips
TRT 0:26
Red sepia toned shots of a matador fighting a bull. Close ups
of the bull and the matador. Shots of the bull charging and
running into a large elastic band in front of the matador. Shot
of the matador moving away holding his cape as the bull charges.
Reaction shots of the crowd in the stadium. Circa 1960s.
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