’s video stock footage clips are no longer available for purchase. We will continue to make our more than 5000 preview clips viewable for historical and archival purposes.
Grazing Sheep
And Sheep Dog - vs0280 12 Clips
TRT 2:41
Varied shots of a flock of sheep grazing in a pasture of tall
green and brown grass while being watched by a white sheep dog.
Shots of one black sheep among a bunch of white ones. Shots
of the dog sitting in tall grass and also walking through the
grass. QuickTime
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Rancher On
Horseback & Sheep Dogs - vs0335 5 Clips
TRT 1:10
Static shots of a rancher wearing a cowboy hat on horseback
riding down a dirt road accompanied by two black and white sheep
dogs. Sheep run across road when rancher and dogs approach.
Road is surrounded by small green trees and tall grasses. QuickTime
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Sheep Grazing
In Tall Grass - vs0336 16 Clips
TRT 4:27
Medium and wide shots of sheep crossing grassy meadows with
green leaved aspen trees in the background. Shots of sheep walking
along a dirt road. Includes some shots of a white sheep dog.
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Rancher On
Horseback & Sheep Dog-1 - vs0337 18 Clips
TRT 3:11
A rancher wearing chaps mounts a horse while a black and white
sheep dog runs around him. Shots of the rancher on horseback
with the dog. Close ups of the dog sitting and panting, then
quickly getting up and running. Dog running in tall grass. QuickTime
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Ranchers Moving
Herd Of Sheep - vs0338 21 Clips
TRT 8:51
Shots of ranchers on horseback moving a very large herd of sheep
over hillsides and through meadows. Ranchers herding sheep with
clouds of dust rising. Some shots showing ranch hand trailers
and sheep dogs. Warm late afternoon light. QuickTime
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Ranchers Move
Sheep Into Corral - vs0339 25 Clips
TRT 7:11
Shots of ranchers on horseback moving a large herd of sheep
into a wooden corral with dust filling the air. Shots of sheep
rushing into the corral. Ranch hand on foot moving sheep. Zooms
and pans showing corral full of sheep with aspen trees in the
background. QuickTime
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Sheep Portraits
On Grass - vs0341 8 Clips
TRT 1:33
Static shots of sheep grazing in a pen with green grass. A white
sheep with black head and legs standing and eating grass with
a fence in the background. Shots of a sheep laying on grass
chewing its cud with two smaller sheep standing and eating in
the background. QuickTime
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Trailer Housing
For Ranch Hands - vs0346 4 Clips
TRT 0:37
Portrait shot of a white mobile home in a grassy field with
its door open. A shot of a row of small ranch hand trailers
in a field. A larger mobile home with aspen trees in the foreground
and a child walking with a dog. QuickTime
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