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Heavy cables drag cut trees, four at a time, up a snowy and forested mountainside to an access road.
9 Stock Video Clips
TRT: 2 Minutes 02 Seconds
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About The Clips: Cables drag cut trees, mostly but not entirely stripped of branches, up a snowy and forested mountainside. Trees are dragged up the mountain four at a time. Near the top, a large red claw on the end of a yellow boom rigged on tracked heavy equipment grasps the trees and lifts them up and over the crest of the mountain and onto an access road cut into the mountainside.
Comments On Clip Subjects: Dragline logging operations of the type shown can cut deep groves into a mountainside. These in turn produce soil erosion in the spring when the snow melts and the rain begins.
Related Clip Groups: Logging here, forest symbols and impacts here, preparing to transport logs here, transporting logs here, archival forestry here, lumber mills here, and lumber and wood products here.