Archived Video Stock Footage
Preparing To Transport Logs
EcoIQ.com’s video stock footage clips are no longer available for purchase. We will continue to make our more than 5000 preview clips viewable for historical and archival purposes.
Skidder Drags
Cut Trees - vs0258
11 Clips
TRT 1:33
A skidder with articulated steering drags cut trees along a
muddy path in a forest. Shots of the skidder reeling logs in
with its winch. Shots of the logs dragging on the ground behind
the skidder. Skidder climbing on top of a log pile and pulling
logs onto it. Close ups of its large tractor tires.
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Mountain Cable
Logging - vs0259
9 Clips
TRT 2:03
Logs on a cable being pulled up a steep mountainside in winter.
Logs being lowered to the ground, being grabbed by a log loader,
and pulled up the slope. Close up of a grapple (hydraulically
powered claw) moving logs. Shot of the log loader turning on
its base and moving logs.
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Mountain Cable
Logging-1 - vs0387
4 Clips
TRT 0:29
Shots of a cable logging system (aka, skyline or dragline logging)
in operation on a mountainside. Wide shot of logs being dragged
up a slope in a cloud of dust. Side shot of the logs reaching
the top of the hill. Shot of the dragline operator at work.
Shot of logs being lowered to the ground. Circa 1980s.
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Cut & Load
Logs To Leave Forest - vs0388
6 Clips
TRT 0:11
Close up shots of a log being cut on a slasher (a sawbuck with
a retractable mechanical saw). One shot includes a grapple moving
a cut log. Short wide shot of a logging truck piled with logs
next to a slasher saw and a log loader with a forest in the
background. Circa 1980s.
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Cut Trees
Dragged In Snow - vs0392
6 Clips
TRT 2:07
Views of a skidder dragging cut trees through a snow covered
forest while it is snowing. Shot of a worker climbing down from
the skidder and removing tow cables from the trees. Panning
shot of the skidder passing without trees.
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Forest Cable
Logging - vs0402
6 Clips
TRT 0:50
Shots of a cable logging system in operation in a forest. Trees
being pulled along a skid with a zoom out to show the yarder
in the foreground. Panning shots of logs being dragged through
a forest on a cable. Close up of a carriage moving along a skyline
cable. QuickTime
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Cut Trees
For Truck Transport - vs0411
7 Clips
TRT 1:27
Wide shot of a log loader hoisting logs onto a slasher. Wide
shots and close ups of logs being cut by a slasher saw. Shots
of a grapple picking up the cut pieces and placing them on a
log pile. Close up of a skidder driving through a forest.
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Mountain Cable
Logging-2 - vs0499
44 Clips
TRT 15:40
Varied shots of a cable logging operation on a snow covered
mountainside. Logs being dragged up the hillside by a cable.
Shots of a yarder with an integrated log loader picking up and
moving logs with its grapple. Logger removing cables wrapped
around logs.
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Cut Trees
For Truck Transport-1 - vs0500
40 Clips
TRT 14:46
Diverse shots of a tree sizer measuring, cutting, and stacking
logs on a mountainside in winter. Close ups and wide shots of
the machine head picking up a log, extending along its length,
clamping down, cutting the log with its retractable saw, and
placing the log in a stack. Wide shot from adjacent mountain.
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Skidder Drags
Cut Trees In Snow - vs0501
53 Clips
TRT 15:15
Close up, medium, and wide shots of a grapple skidder dragging
cut trees through a snow covered forest, unloading, and driving
back into the forest. Views of the grapple claw and large tractor
tires with snow chains. Shots of the skidder lowering its front
metal push blade and pushing logs into a pile.
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Skidder Drags
Cut Trees In Snow-1 - vs0502
7 Clips
TRT 2:14
A red skidder drags cut trees in the snow with a hydraulically
powered claw (aka, a grapple). Varied shots of logs being dragged
down a logging road. Shots of the skidder driving without logs.
Close ups of tractor tires with metal chains.
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Logs Stacked
In Forest - vs0521
15 Clips
TRT 2:45
Shots of a pile of cut and stacked logs next to tracked equipment
with a log cutting head. Panning shots from a stack of pine
trees to a dirt logging road with snow next to it. Piles of
logs covered with snow. Static close ups of a cross-section
of a cut log. Wide shot pan of a steep forest hillside with
a pile of logs stacked on the ridge next to logging equipment.
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