’s video stock footage clips are no longer available for purchase. We will continue to make our more than 5000 preview clips viewable for historical and archival purposes.
Load Logs To
Leave Forest - vs0260 13 Clips
TRT 2:40
Close ups and medium shots of a log loader lifting and loading
logs from a large stack onto a semi truck trailer for transport
out of the forest. The truck's driver secures the logs to the
trailer using chains with hook and clasp fasteners. QuickTime
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Load Logs
To Leave Forest-1 - vs0404 10 Clips
TRT 0:58
Logger wearing a hard hat prepares a semi truck to haul logs
and secures logs to trailer. Logger driving a log truck shot
from inside the cab. Loaded log truck leaving the forest. Loggers
working amongst felled trees. A large log loader moving logs.
Circa 1970s. QuickTime
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Logs Being
Moved On Water - vs0405 4 Clips
TRT 0:21
A log rolls down a ramp and makes a large splash upon entering
a log pond. Wide shot of floating logs being moved with long
poles. Shot of man jumping out of a small boat carrying an ax,
running across a group of floating logs, and removing a cable
attached to a log. Circa 1970s. QuickTime
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Skycrane Helicopter
Logging - vs0414 8 Clips
TRT 0:33
Wide shot looking up at a skycrane helicopter carrying logs
on a cable. Medium panning shot of two logs being lifted into
the air with trees in the foreground. Close ups of the orange
helicopter, and of the logs in transit. Shot of loggers walking
toward logs set down by the helicopter amid clouds of dust.
Circa 1970s. QuickTime
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Load Logs
To Leave Forest-2 - vs0419 10 Clips
TRT 4:27
Shots of a log loader picking up logs from a large pile, swinging
them around, and placing them onto an adjacent semi truck trailer.
Loggers strapping the logs down on the trailer. Shots of the
loaded truck slowly driving away. QuickTime
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Logs In Forest - vs0420 6 Clips
TRT 0:59
Shots of a forwarder transporting logs in a forest. Static medium
shot of the forwarder loaded with logs passing perpendicular
to the camera. Wide shot and close up of a grapple loading logs
onto the forwarder bed. Shot of the forwarder's large tractor
tires driving over a carpet of tree branches. QuickTime
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Log Trucks
Leaving Forest - vs0517 10 Clips
TRT 4:15
Wide shots of a loaded log truck driving down a road with melting
snow. Panning shots of a loaded forwarder driving slowly through
a forest with trees in the foreground. Wide and medium shots
of a log truck on a dirt road. Aerial shots of a log truck kicking
up large clouds of dust on a forest road. QuickTime
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Load Logs
To Leave Forest-3 - vs0518 13 Clips
TRT 5:56
Shots of a log loader putting logs onto the bed of a truck.
Close up, medium, and wide shots of the loader operator controlling
the grapple loader from an open rotating platform. Views of
the grapple maneuvering logs into position on the truck bed.
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Log Transport
By Logging Truck - vs0520 28 Clips
TRT 5:01
Shots of a fully loaded logging truck driving by and disappearing
around a bend. Logging trucks with car traffic on city streets.
Panning shot of a log truck passing over a bridge. Logging trucks
being driven in winter. A parked truck loaded with logs and
covered with snow. QuickTime
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Logging Roads
& Logging Road Signs - vs0524 39 Clips
TRT 8:27
Close ups of orange "Logging Operation," "Trucks Entering Highway,"
and "Log Trucks" road signs. Static wide shot looking down a
gravel logging road. "Log Trucks" and "Road Closed" signs next
to a dirt logging road in the snow. Shots of a large tracked
loader driving on a dirt logging road in winter. Varied pans
of a dirt logging road surrounded by snow. "Yield For Logging
Trucks" sign. QuickTime
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