Archived Video Stock Footage
Forests, Symbols, Impacts & Planting
EcoIQ.com’s video stock footage clips are no longer available for purchase. We will continue to make our more than 5000 preview clips viewable for historical and archival purposes.
Trees & Forests
- vs0118
5 Clips
TRT 0:59
Varied static shots of trees and forests. Trees and tall grasses
with warm sunlight. Bald eagles sitting on tree branches with
no leaves and wisps of fog covering the forest background. Silhouette
of a standing tall dead tree (aka, a snag) with blue sky and
thin clouds. Looking up at a dead tree surrounded by live trees
and a blue sky.
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Forest Views
In Summer - vs0257
5 Clips
TRT 0:38
Panning shot of tall trees on a forested hillside. Static shot
of young tree next to a large stump with a forest and power
lines in background. Static wide shot of a stand of trees with
a small creek. Foggy static shot of thin tree branches in foreground
with a silhouette of a tree in the background.
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Logging Debate:
Signs Of Conflict - vs0264
10 Clips
TRT 1:17
Static shots of various signs used in the logging conflict.
"We Support The Timber Industry" sign in an office window, a
"Log It" license plate, a "Trees Grow Jobs" hanging sign, and
a "This Business Supported By Timber Dollars" window sign. Static
shots and zooms of a marquee sign that reads "No Chip Mills.
Sign Petition Here."
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Clear Cut
Logging Impacts - vs0265
22 Clips
TRT 4:15
Panning shots of a clear cut hillside and adjacent forest. Zooms
and pans of a large clear cut area with dirt roads and trees
in the distance. Panning shots from moving car of a large devastated
area with piles of tree debris and dried mud. Static shots and
pans of a field of stumps with a grey sky and light rain.
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Paul Bunyan
Statue In Bangor Maine - vs0394
9 Clips
TRT 1:44
Varied shots of a large multi-colored fiberglass Paul Bunyan
Statue in Bangor, Maine, under grey skies with light swirling
snowfall. Close up of his bearded smiling face with rosy cheeks.
Pans up and down showing his checkered shirt, belt, pants, boots,
and an ax and pike pole he is holding.
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Union Logo
- vs0395
3 Clips
TRT 0:34
Zoom in, zoom out, and static shots of a union logo on a wood
door. Encircled by the above text the logo shows two hands shaking
in front of an outline of North America with the United States
and Canadian flags.
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Taking Cores
& Tree Ring Views - vs0397
5 Clips
TRT 1:20
Static close ups of hands screwing a tree core sampling tool
into the trunk of a tree. Medium shot showing a man turning
the tree corer, then quickly zooming in to a close up of him
measuring the depth of the tree corer in the tree. Close up
shots of hands gently pulling out the core sample and showing
the growth rings of the tree.
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Displays At
Logger Museum - vs0400
9 Clips
TRT 1:10
Static shots of individual black and white photos of logging
equipment with descriptive text on a logger museum wall. "Wildlife
Management" display sign with smaller text that reads "The Chainsaw
Is The Deer's Best Friend." Panning zooms from signage to dioramas
of forest scenes. Static shot of a U.S. forest zone map.
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Wanted Wood
Lot Sign - vs0457
2 Clips
TRT 0:19
Static portrait shots of a hand-written sign with black lettering
on white paper that reads "Wanted. Wood lot. One man. One skidder.
Respect For Your Land. Inquire here."
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& Tree Planting - vs0514
18 Clips
TRT 3:06
Saplings being watered on tree farm. A boot tamping down dirt
next to newly planted sapling. Varied shots of people planting
trees on a clear cut hillside (circa 1970s). Shots of a small
plow pulling a trailer carrying a person placing saplings one-at-a-time
into a mechanical planting device.
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Tree Farm
& Rows Of Trees - vs0522
7 Clips
TRT 1:32
Static shot of a "Tree Farm" sign. Shots of a tree farm with
a lumber company sign that reads "Planted 1969. Thinned 1987
& 92." Rows of trees on a tree farm shot from a moving car.
Slow speed shot of walking through a tree farm along a row of
stumps next to tree rows.
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Soil Loss:
Hill Cuts, Water & Wind - vs0523
19 Clips
TRT 7:47
Views of a logging operation on a snow covered mountainside.
Shot of cut trees being dragged up a slope and creating a brown
dirt cut in the mountainside. Close ups, zoom, and pan of a
stream of muddy water running down tire tracks on a dirt road.
Aerial shots of a big cloud of dust from a log truck on a dirt
logging road.
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Aerial Shots
Of Forest - vs0525
4 Clips
TRT 0:46
Varied aerial shots of forests. A wide shot of a tree at the
edge of a forest being cut down by a feller buncher. Wide shots
of an expansive forest with a logging truck kicking up dust
on a dirt road. Medium shot of a canopy of green trees in a
forest. QuickTime
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Forests In
Snow - vs0565
30 Clips
TRT 3:39
Shots of forested hillsides with low hanging clouds and snow
covered mountains in the background. Multiple pans of coniferous
trees with snow on the ground. Zoom out and wide shot of snow
covered mountainsides with tree branches covered with snow.
Varied static shots of forests in snow.
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Logging Impacts
On Land & Soils - vs0578
24 Clips
TRT 4:15
Zoom out shot from a large pile of logging wastes to piles of
dead wood in a barren dirt field. Pans and shots moving along
muddy logging roads surrounded by piles of dead tree limbs and
disturbed earth in logged areas. Close up pans and zooms of
a stump next to tree debris.
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