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Composting yard waste in residential backyard. Turning, mixing, and wetting yard and garden waste.
9 Stock Video Clips
TRT: 4 Minutes 57 Seconds
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About The Clips: Man processing yard wastes into compost in backyard. A segmented compost bin is used to turn compost from first (shorter) pile into second (taller) pile. Man mixes material in taller pile. Then he places last bin segment from shorter pile on top of others on taller pile exposing composting material on bare ground. He uses pitchfork and shovel to move that material, which had been on the bottom of the shorter pile, to the top of the adjacent taller pile. When he's done, he thoroughly wets the turned material and puts on the lid. Shot using a Panasonic DVX100 3-Chip MiniDV camera by videographer Mike Kahn in 2004 in Palo Alto, California.
Comments On Clip Subjects: Backyard composting yields similar benefits but avoids the energy use and related impacts associated with green waste collection and processing programs.
Related Clip Groups: Electric rototiller here, urban gardening here, and green waste collection and processing here.