’s video stock footage clips are no longer available for purchase. We will continue to make our more than 5000 preview clips viewable for historical and archival purposes.
Fishing From
Ocean Shoreline - vs0057 2 Clips
TRT 0:40
Wide and medium shots of a man in a red jacket fishing along
an ocean shoreline. The man is standing in the foreground on
rocks in the tidal zone as waves break and white water crashes
over the rocks next to him. Warm sunlight. QuickTime
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Backyard Composting
- vs0254 10 Clips
TRT 4:57
Wide shots, close ups, and zooms of a man putting compostable
materials into a square black compost bin using a pitch fork.
Shot of him stacking one bin section on top of two other sections.
Spraying the compost with water. Close ups of yellow apples
in the compost. QuickTime
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Electric Rototiller
- vs0255 8 Clips
TRT 2:14
Multiple shots of an electric rototiller not in operation. Zoom
shots showing an electric power cord on the tiller handle. Pan
from handle down to motor and tiller blades. Shot of the tiller
from the front and side. Warm late afternoon sunlight. QuickTime
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Urban Food
Gardening - vs0424 2 Clips
TRT 0:08
One shot zooming out from downtown highrises to an urban community
garden in the foreground. One shot panning and zooming from
a close up of a pair of corn stalks to a wide shot of the garden
filled with green plants. The garden is next to single story
commercial buildings. QuickTime
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