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Sport fisherman fishing from a rocky ocean shore, with breaking waves and foaming surf.
2 Stock Video Clips
TRT: 0 Minutes 40 Seconds
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About The Clips: Wide shot of a man in a red jacket sport fishing from a rocky ocean shoreline with whitewater washing over rocks in the tidal zone and waves breaking in the background. The shot then pans to show more of the shoreline. Medium shot of the sport fisherman standing on the shore holding his fishing pole as a wave comes in and crashes over rocks in front of him.
Comments On Clip Subjects: Ocean sport fishing is becoming more difficult as fish stocks are reduced by toxic pollution, "dead zones," commercial overfishing, destruction of coastal wetlands and river spawning areas, damage to coastal reefs, sea bed trawling, and coastal development.
Related Clip Groups: Oceans, lakes, reservoirs, and water recreation here, water life here, water surfaces and shores here, and water pollution here.