Archived Video Stock Footage
Water Life
EcoIQ.com’s video stock footage clips are no longer available for purchase. We will continue to make our more than 5000 preview clips viewable for historical and archival purposes.
Fishes of the
Caribbean - vs0004
27 Clips
TRT 8:46
Underwater shots of diverse species of fish off the coast of
Venezuela (in the southern Caribbean. Shots of schools, following
fish through coral reefs, close ups, and a spotted moray eel
at night. Views of different types of corals in clear blue water.
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Turtles, Water,
Sun & Rocks - vs0056
3 Clips
TRT 2:09
Static shot of large turtle attempting to pull itself onto a
rock where another small turtle is resting in the sun. The large
turtle falls back into the water pushing the small turtle into
the water as well. Zoom in on two turtles pulling themselves
out of the water. One falls back in. Shot looking down on a
turtle sliding off a rock into the water.
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Birds On Rocky
Shores - vs0069
6 Clips
TRT 1:16
Bird preening its feathers while standing on a rock next to
calm ocean water. Four cormorants standing on a large piece
of driftwood on an ocean shore. Wide shot of white birds on
rocks with a calm pool of water in the foreground. Wide shot
of a great blue heron on a rocky shore.
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Ducks On Water
- vs0070
8 Clips
TRT 2:04
Wide shot of ducks swimming on calm ocean water with rocks in
background. Pan of a duck on water start to flap its wings and
begin to fly just above the water. Shots of a group of ducks
swimming close together with warm sunlight reflecting off the
water. Zoom out from two ducks swimming in small shore break
next to rocks.
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Seals Swimming
Offshore - vs0072
3 Clips
TRT 0:47
Close up of a seal swimming with its head and nose above the
water. The seal looks around and at the camera before slipping
below the surface. Panning zoom into two sea lions swimming
past coastal rocks. One dives, and then the other dives. Wide
shot pan of a seal swimming and splashing at sunset.
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Whales Swim
& Blow - vs0073
3 Clips
TRT 0:38
Medium and wide shots of whales swimming and blowing in calm
water. Whales swimming to the surface, blowing with visible
spray, and showing their dorsal fins before they dive. Sunlight
sparkling off the water. Shot from boat.
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Birds Circle
& Land On Pond - vs0127
2 Clips
TRT 0:41
A medium shot of gulls circling above a pond. Shot of a pond
reflecting the surrounding greenery with gulls flying above.
One gull lands on the water creating ripples. Shots use a slow
motion effect.
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Swans & Ducks
On Water - vs0128
6 Clips
TRT 1:58
Medium shot of a mute swan on the water with ducks in the background,
then two immature swans enter the frame. Close up of the head
and neck of a swan with ducks in the background, then the swan
swims away and the shot zooms out to a portrait of an immature
swan. Swans and ducks swimming on water glistening with warm
yellow light at sunset. Silhouettes of ducks on sunlit water.
Gulls and ducks on the water of a pond in a park with people
passing in the background.
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