’s video stock footage clips are no longer available for purchase. We will continue to make our more than 5000 preview clips viewable for historical and archival purposes.
Pollution - vs0037 13 Clips
TRT 2:48
Varied close ups of oil on water in a curbside puddle. Shots
looking down at oil sheen on a wet parking lot surface. Pan
down from a parked car to polluted stormwater. Pan from oil
sheen on a street to a storm drain. Close up of a storm drain.
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Drainage Beach Outfall - vs0175 4 Clips
TRT 0:51
Static wide shots of stormwater flowing out of a drainage pipe
and running down a beach. Portrait shot of the cement pipe with
water flowing out. Close up of water pouring out of pipe. QuickTime
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Runs Down Beach - vs0176 20 Clips
TRT 4:28
Varied close ups and medium shots of water with oil sheen running
over pebbles. Static wide shot and a zoom out from close up
showing polluted water running down a beach. Multiple shots
show rainbow colors from oil sheen on the water. QuickTime
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Discharge Into Ocean - vs0177 14 Clips
TRT 3:18
Wide shots and close ups of oil sheen on water gently ebbing
and flowing next to barnacle covered rocks. Wide shot of water
flowing down a beach with ocean in the background. Zoom out
from two birds swimming near an ocean shore to water running
down a beach. Multiple shots show rainbow colors from oil sheen
in the water. QuickTime
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Oil On Water
- Slow Motion - vs0178 7 Clips
TRT 1:26
Slow motion shots of oil polluted water. Varied close ups of
water with oil sheen running over pebbles. Wide shot of oil
sheen on water gently ebbing and flowing next to barnacle covered
rocks. Shots show rainbow colors from oil sheen on the water.
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Paper Mill
Wastewater Effluent - vs0528 15 Clips
TRT 2:33
Pans and zooms of a wastewater pond with a paper mill in the
background. Foamy brown effluent flowing into the pond. Close
ups of roiling brown water and thick foam. Water being released
into a river. Panning wide shot from river to paper mill. QuickTime
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