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Slow motion close-ups of rivulets of polluted stormwater with rainbow colored oil sheen.
7 Stock Video Clips
TRT: 1 Minute 26 Seconds
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About The Clips: Close-up shots looking down at water with oil sheen flowing over pebbles and showing rainbow colors from the oil sheen. Shot of a polluted rivulet running over small rocks. Polluted stormwater flowing around a rock. Wide shot of oil sheen on water gently ebbing and flowing next to barnacle covered rocks. Close up of water next to a rock with barnacles. All shots have a slow motion effect.
Comments On Clip Subjects: Oil sheen on stormwater is an example of nonpoint source water pollution.
Related Clip Groups: Stormwater drainage beach outfall here, stormwater running down beach here, stormwater with oil sheen flowing into ocean here, and additional water pollution groups here.