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Close-ups of polluted stormwater with visible oil sheen running down a beach in shallow rivulets.
20 Stock Video Clips
TRT: 4 Minutes 28 Seconds
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About The Clips: Varied static close-ups and medium shots of shallow rivulets with oil sheen running over beach pebbles. Multiple shots show rainbow colors from the oil sheen on the water. Zoom out from close-up of polluted water to a wide shot showing the rivulet running down a beach. Shot showing sheen in dark brown hues. Mediums shots of stormwater flowing next to rocks covered with barnacles. Low angle close-up of water flowing.
Comments On Clip Subjects: Oil and other oil-based chemicals that leak from cars and trucks are among the many nonpoint source water pollutants washed off street and parking lot surfaces by rainfall. They are clearly visible in the multi-colored oil sheen on the water that has been discharged from a storm drainage pipe to a ocean beach.
Related Clip Groups: Stormwater drainage beach outfall here, stormwater discharge into ocean here, slow motion of oil sheen on water here, and additional water pollution groups here.