Archived Video Stock Footage
Oceans, Lakes, Reservoirs & Water Recreation
EcoIQ.com’s video stock footage clips are no longer available for purchase. We will continue to make our more than 5000 preview clips viewable for historical and archival purposes.
Undersea Landscapes
- vs0011
21 Clips
TRT 8:25
Close ups of coral reefs in blue ocean waters. Scuba divers
swimming above coral reefs. Scuba diver feeding fish. Divers
exploring a large shipwreck. Night shot of a diver releasing
a blowfish from his hand, and it swims away. Divers swim past
yellow sponge. Medium shot of a spearfisher with speargun on
the ocean floor.
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Mineral Springs
- vs0045
11 Clips
TRT 1:13
Mineral springs located in the Republic of Georgia (Eastern
Europe). Includes bubbling natural springs, pools, and a bright
red creek colored by the chemical action of the spring waters.
Close up, medium, and wide shots.
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Fishing From
Ocean Shoreline - vs0057
2 Clips
TRT 0:40
Wide and medium shots of a man in a red jacket fishing along
an ocean shoreline. The man is standing in the foreground on
rocks in the tidal zone as waves break and white water crashes
over the rocks next to him. Warm sunlight.
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In Distance Over Water - vs0071
2 Clips
TRT 0:38
A calm expanse of water sparkles in the sunshine and snow capped
mountain peaks rise above clouds in the background. A piece
of driftwood with birds standing on it slowly floats by. One
shot zooms in on snow capped peaks with clouds below.
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Boat Silhouette
In Orange Dusk - vs0090
3 Clips
TRT 1:13
Zoom out and static shots of the silhouettes of a ferry against
mountains on the far shore of a calm bay. Orange sky after sunset.
Static wide shot of a ferry crossing the bay with bright orange
clouds. QuickTime
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Olympic &
Competitive Rowing - vs0131
3 Clips
TRT 0:55
Two shots of a women's rowing team with coxswain and eight crew
rowing across the water. Shot from an adjacent boat. Wide shot
silhouette of a crew rowing with the late afternoon sun reflecting
off the water.
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Bay Kayaking
At Dusk - vs0132
4 Clips
TRT 1:24
Static shots of silhouettes of two kayakers paddling and of
mountains on the far shore of a calm bay. Orange sky after sunset.
Medium and wide shots.
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& Yachts - vs0133
8 Clips
TRT 3:10
Wide shots of a sailboat on a large lake. Sailboat with a motor
boat. Sailboat in front of a freighter. View of docked yachts
shot from moving boat. Shots of a sailboat with sails furled
moving slowly through a marina with boats docked in the background.
Same shot with a yacht. Yacht in dry dock.
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Great Lakes
Views - vs0145
5 Clips
TRT 2:29
Wide shot of blue water with a boat and shoreline in the distance.
Static shot of blue water out to the horizon with a stump in
the foreground breaking the surface. Sailboat sailing on a large
lake. Sailboat with a motor boat. Shoreline shot with white
caps on the water and a tree blowing in the wind in the foreground.
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Stormy Great
Lakes Sunset - vs0146
3 Clips
TRT 1:33
Orange sky and dark clouds with shafts of sunlight shining through
and down to dark lake waters. Wide shot of lake with waves,
sandy dunes in the foreground, orange sky at the horizon, and
dark clouds above. Shot of a large orange sun beginning to sink
over a silhouette of water.
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Water Supply & Dams - vs0569
23 Clips
TRT 5:22
Shots of various water supplies. Wide shots and zooms out from
a large reservoir with green shoreline. Zooming pan from water
on a reservoir to a dam. Night shot of an illuminated dam. Aerial
shots of dams and reservoirs. Views of Glen Canyon Dam and reservoir.
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Boats & Boating - vs0570
6 Clips
TRT 1:12
Static shot of a boat speeding across a reservoir. Zoom out
from "Boat Ramp" sign. Two zoom out shots from a truck towing
a boat. Boats parked next to a buoy line on a reservoir. Static
close up of a truck towing a boat driving by.
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