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Large boulders on the edge of a mountain stream create a calm pool with rushing water in the background.
3 Stock Video Clips
TRT: 2 Minutes 30 Seconds
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About The Clips: Opens with large boulder/group of boulders in foreground on edge of stream. Slow pan up wooded hillside to ridge line and back. Repeats. Pans right to show calm pool nested in group of boulders with rapidly flowing stream behind. Flowing stream then shot through bush in foreground. Zooms back to shot of boulders and calm pool. Then slow pan left to large boulder that opens first clip. Shot from creek bank. Good ambient sound of rushing water. Shot using a Panasonic DVX100 3-chip MiniDV camera by videographer Mike Kahn in March 2005 in the Sunol Regional Wilderness of Northern California.
Comments On Clip Subjects: Could be used to illustrate natural water or mountain water issues.
Related Clip Groups: Falls, rivers and creeks here, rainforest falls and rivers here, swollen creek and rushing water here, and creek flowing over boulders in gorge here.