Archived Video Stock Footage
Falls, Rivers & Creeks
EcoIQ.com’s video stock footage clips are no longer available for purchase. We will continue to make our more than 5000 preview clips viewable for historical and archival purposes.
Mountain Waters
- vs0003
7 Clips
TRT 1:55
Panning shot of river rapids in a rocky canyon surrounded by
a forest. Looking down at a river at the bottom of a large canyon
with fog on the surrounding mountainsides. Static shot and zoom
to close up of a tall narrow waterfall on a sheer granite rock
face. Water flowing around boulders.
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Waters - vs0006
28 Clips
TRT 7:52
Varied water shots in the rainforests of the Orinoco-Amazon
Basin in Venezuela. Close up, medium, and wide shots of large
and small waterfalls. Shots from boats traveling in calm water,
including scenes of lush shoreline vegetation and sunsets. 180
degree pan of large waterway from hillside.
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Niagara Falls
- vs0140
3 Clips
TRT 1:19
Static wide shot of Niagara Falls with tour boats on the water
below the waterfalls. Static portrait of the rushing Falls.
Shots are sunny and show mist rising from water hitting the
rocks below. All shots from an elevated perspective.
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Falls - vs0141
6 Clips
TRT 2:56
Varied shots of Tahquamenon Falls in Michigan. Close up, medium,
and wide shots of ruddy whitewater rushing over the Falls. Shots
facing the Falls from an elevated hillside showing upper and
lower portions of river. One shot with foamy water below the
Falls. QuickTime
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Lower Tahquamenon
Falls & Rapids - vs0142
3 Clips
TRT 1:31
Static shot of water rushing over the Lower Tahquamenon Falls
with green bushes and trees in the foreground. Static shot of
a small, wide waterfall with foreground greenery. Wide shot
from hillside of people rowing boats in calm water with rapids
in the background.
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Munising Falls
& Creek - vs0143
4 Clips
TRT 1:58
Static shot facing Munising Falls surrounded by lush green trees
and vegetation. Static shots of water flowing in Munising Creek
in the shade with green grasses and wildflowers at its edges.
Shot of water in the Creek with sunlight reflections.
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Swollen Creek,
Rushing Water - vs0203
4 Clips
TRT 3:51
A rain-swollen Alameda Creek flows rapidly through a wooded
area and around the base of several trees. Includes zoom in
to close up shot of the rushing water surface, extended hold,
then zoom out again. Also includes a tree branch dipping into
and being jostled by rushing water.
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Pure Mountain
Water - vs0204
5 Clips
TRT 5:01
Pan from water flowing through a gorge with large boulders to
a wooded hillside. Zoom in to close up of white water flowing
over rocks. Medium shot of water rushing through rocks surrounded
by boulders. Close up of water flowing past a boulder. Pan down
from blue sky to gorge and then creek.
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Boulders Calm
Rushing Creek - vs0205
3 Clips
TRT 2:30
Large boulders on the edge of a mountain stream create a calm
pool with rushing water in the background. Slow pan up from
boulders and creek to wooded hillside and blue sky, and reverse.
Pan right to show calm pool nested in a group of boulders with
rapidly flowing stream behind.
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Rivers Clean
& Polluted - vs0568
21 Clips
TRT 5:47
Pans from a wide river to an adjacent paper mill in winter.
Shots of log trucks driving over bridges above rivers. Zoom
out from water being released from a wastewater discharge pipe
to a river with an adjacent paper mill. Pan from a riverfront
paper mill to an adjacent town with a river in foreground. Aerial
shots of rivers running through green forests.
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