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Wood construction and demolition debris is processed in a tub grinder and a trommel at a recycling facility.
14 Stock Video Clips
TRT: 4 Minutes 15 Seconds
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About The Clips: Wide and medium shots of a front loader pushing wood construction and demolition (C&D) debris into a pile. Then the front loader backs up in a close up shot. Panning wide shot from piles of construction and demolition wood debris to an excavator gathering debris to be put into a tub grinder. Medium shot of a shovel picking up wood debris and loading it into a tub grinder. Close-up of a shovel placing C&D wood debris into a tub grinder (some green waste is mixed in). Ground wood waste is fed into a trommel via an inclined conveyor in the background. Close up of ground wood waste entering a rotating trommel screen while a tub grinder turns in the foreground. The shot then zooms out to show the tub grinder and trommel plus a worker with a face mask and hard hat. Panning shot up from and down to the hammers inside of a tub grinder with remnants of wood waste in the tub. Panning shot from an inclined conveyor attached to a mobile tub grinder (not in use). Panning shots to and from the top of a tub grinder to adjacent compost windrows. Zoom in and zoom out to the side of a Diamond Z tub grinder in operation. A shovel picks up large amount of loose C&D debris and dumps it into a tub grinder. The shovel rotates to grab debris as a front loader piles debris in the foreground.
Comments On Clip Subjects: Recycling construction and demolition debris reduces the amount going into landfills and can cut C&D disposal costs. Tub grinding wood waste creates material suitable for the production of energy, and this reduces fossil fuel use.
Related Clip Groups: C&D debris delivery here, flotation processing of C&D debris here, an explosive building demolition here, and C&D concrete, toilets, metal, and sheetrock recycling here.