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Container trucks dumping construction and demolition debris at a recycling facility.
8 Stock Video Clips
TRT: 2 Minutes 30 Seconds
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About The Clips: Varied shots of construction and demolition (aka, C&D) debris being delivered to a recycling facility. Close-up of a truck raising its container bed and dumping construction debris onto the ground, then zoom out to medium shot. Panning medium shot of the same truck moving forward with raised container bed as it dumps wood planks and boards onto the ground. Shots of a semi truck being unhitched from its long container bed. Panning zoom out of the truck's driver walking next to the truck bed and activating a hydraulic lift. Shot of the front of the truck bed starting to rise on the hydraulic lift. Then the shot pans to the back of the truck bed. Shot of the back of the truck bed as it continues to rise on the lift, its unlatched rear door swings open, and demolition debris falls out into a pit. A large pile of demolition debris is visible in the background. The shot then pans from the dust rising above the pile of debris to the hydraulic lift lowering the container truck bed as the driver walks to the rear and latches the bed door shut. Static wide shot of a semi truck, a small truck, and a large dump truck driving on an unpaved recycling facility road.
Comments On Clip Subjects: Recycling construction and demolition debris reduces the amount going into landfills and can cut C&D disposal costs. In addition, recycling the metals and concrete reduces mining, saves energy, and reduces pollution. Wood debris can be used to produce energy, and this reduces fossil fuel use.
Related Clip Groups: Flotation processing of C&D debris here, tub grinder processing of C&D wood debris here, an explosive building demolition here, and C&D concrete, toilets, metal, and sheetrock recycling here.