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A striking sunset in a suburban office park setting. Sky goes from purple hues to orange as the sun slips behind hills.
4 Stock Video Clips
TRT: 1 Minutes 48 Seconds
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About The Clips: Clips focus on a large, sharply defined, glowing sun in a purple-hued sky. First clip pulls back from a large sun to show a suburban office park in the foreground. Area includes an empty parking lot, a street with traffic (including a pickup with camper shell), and power lines. Clips then show sun half set behind a row of hills, then slipping behind hills entirely. Sky turns from purple hue to orange after sun has set. Final shot zooms in on a glowing orange ridgeline.
Comments On Clip Subjects: Could illustrate a suburban sunset, a sunset over hills, an empty parking lot, or a camper shell on a pickup. Could also be used symbolically - as in "the sun is setting on typical suburban design."
Related Clip Groups: More office buildings and developments here, more urban streets and sidewalks here, and more sunsets here.