’s video stock footage clips are no longer available for purchase. We will continue to make our more than 5000 preview clips viewable for historical and archival purposes.
Sunsets Over
Eden - vs0005 22 Clips
TRT 6:55
Diverse shots of colorful sunsets in Northern Venezuela and
the Orinoco Plains. Brilliant orange sky with sailboats in foreground.
Clouds glowing red at dusk. Multiple silhouettes of trees and
birds with sunset backgrounds. Large orange sun setting. Wide
shots of illuminated clouds. Flock of birds flying in front
of the setting sun. QuickTime
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Sunset Over
Office Park - vs0020 4 Clips
TRT 1:48
Zoom out from a large, sharply defined, glowing sun in a purple-hued
sky to show a suburban office park in the foreground. Area includes
an empty parking lot, a street with traffic, and power lines.
Shots of the sun half set behind a row of hills, then slipping
behind hills entirely. QuickTime
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Sunset Over
The Pacific - vs0021 3 Clips
TRT 0:32
Zoom out from a bright orange sky at sunset over calm Pacific
Ocean waters to a wide shot with silhouettes in the foreground
of a large rock and a craggy tree on the coast. One static shot
and one short pan with rocks and coastline. QuickTime
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Colorful Sunsets - vs0077 11 Clips
TRT 3:21
Static shots of prismatic rays of a setting sun with sparkling
reflections off calm bay waters. Trees and coastline silhouetted
in the foreground. Wide shot of the sun disappearing behind
mountains across a bay. Views of orange skies and water reflections
after a sunset. QuickTime
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Clouds On
Fire - vs0078 7 Clips
TRT 1:10
Wide shot of a sky full of bright red and orange clouds. Pan
down from pink clouds in blue sky to bright orange and yellow
clouds. A red wispy cloud in a blue sky. An orange sky composed
of thin clouds. Skies full of texture and color. QuickTime
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Sunrise - vs0138 2 Clips
TRT 1:07
Static wide shot from a mountainside looking out at a colorful
predawn sky with clouds and a small lake in the foreground and
surrounded by hills in shadow. A second wide shot with the sun
rising behind low clouds and rays of orange sunlight emerging.
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Mountain Mists
Before Sunrise - vs0139 6 Clips
TRT 1:15
A slow pan and a static shot of thin, misty clouds shot from
a mountainside before dawn. Static wide shot looking up at lightly
colored wispy clouds with tree silhouettes below. Static wide
shot and pan from a mountainside looking out at a colorful predawn
sky with clouds and a small lake in the foreground surrounded
by hills in shadow. QuickTime
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Sunset With
Red & Gold Clouds - vs0167 3 Clips
TRT 1:40
Static shots of an orange glowing sun setting above a large
body of water. Sky filled with vivid red and gold clouds. Shots
of the sun low in the sky, about half set, and then setting
almost completely. QuickTime
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