Archived Video Stock Footage
Commercial Office & Retail
EcoIQ.com’s video stock footage clips are no longer available for purchase. We will continue to make our more than 5000 preview clips viewable for historical and archival purposes.
Sunset Over
Office Park - vs0020
4 Clips
TRT 1:48
Glowing sun in purple-hued sky. Suburban area in foreground.
Empty parking lot, street with traffic (including a pickup with
camper shell) and power lines. Sun setting behind a row of hills.
Sky turns from purple to orange. Glowing orange ridgeline.
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Suburban Retail
Shopping Centers - vs0427
11 Clips
TRT 3:26
Views of suburban retail. Large store signs on pillars in front
of shopping center with heavy car traffic in foreground. Cars
navigating through parking lot. Panhandler with guitar. Also
some shots from car driving by large shopping center with full
parking lot.
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Strip Commercial
Development - vs0429
8 Clips
TRT 1:27
Shots from car driving by various strip commercial developments.
Numerous retail buildings and signage including national chains,
restaurants, gas stations, banks, check cashing, pharmacy, auto
shops, car dealership, and markets.
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National Retailers'
Store Signs - vs0430
9 Clips
TRT 1:26
Daytime close-up shots of national retailers' store signs. Fast
food, furniture, clothing & household, electronics, home & garden.
Signs on buildings and pillars. Static shots and one short pan.
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National Retailers'
Storefronts - vs0431
11 Clips
TRT 2:31
Shots of national retailers' storefronts. Large signs above
store entrances. Stores include clothing & household, electronics,
office supplies, books, furniture. Shoppers walking to and from
stores. Includes shot of loading a minivan.
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Driving Past
Large Retailers - vs0432
3 Clips
TRT 0:18
Shots from car driving past large retailers. Toy store and sign
with palm trees and grass in foreground. Passing clothing &
household store at dusk with glowing red illuminated sign. Passing
another clothing & household store with large parking lot in
daytime. QuickTime
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Local Retail
Stores - vs0433
18 Clips
TRT 2:26
Varied views of local retail stores. Glowing green ATM sign.
Woman entering convenience store. Shots from car of shops and
restaurants on city streets. Exterior and interior shots of
a shoe store with store sign, price tags, shoe racks, and shoppers.
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Retail Store - vs0434
2 Clips
TRT 0:15
Two shots of a convenience retail store. Glowing green ATM sign
in store window. Woman enters store. The word "CONVENIENCE"
in large letters is visible on the sign above the window.
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Service Offices - vs0435
7 Clips
TRT 0:45
Shots from car driving by a variety of financial institutions.
Drive through ATM facilities. One shot in large city, others
in suburban areas.
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Highrises & Offices - vs0436
12 Clips
TRT 2:13
Views of commercial highrises and offices. Vertical pan of large
office building. Rotating, wide angle shot looking up at surrounding
highrises, with prismatic lens flare from sun. Modern commercial
buildings. Some shots from car. One shot from train.
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