Archived Video Stock Footage
Urban Streets & Sidewalks
EcoIQ.com’s video stock footage clips are no longer available for purchase. We will continue to make our more than 5000 preview clips viewable for historical and archival purposes.
Shoreline Park
Streetscapes - vs0084
2 Clips
TRT 0:24
Shot from car driving by shoreline park. Park statue, green
lawns, flowers, trees, and water in background. Shoreline path
with a rollerblader and bicyclist. People walking and sitting
on a park bench.
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Sidewalks & Streets - vs0096
14 Clips
TRT 3:47
Varied views of pedestrians, sidewalks, and streets in urban
center. Shots of heavy foot traffic. Plaza with fountain and
planters. Shot ascending escalator to city street. People waiting
at lights, crossing streets and waiting for bus.
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& Lightpole Banners - vs0245
5 Clips
TRT 1:43
Sidewalk views of banners on lightpoles with pedestrians and
car traffic. Commercial downtown setting. Zooms out from banner
close-ups to sidewalk and street. Banners feature community
cultural events.
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Sidewalk Cafes
& Amenities - vs0246
14 Clips
TRT 4:51
Views of sidewalk cafes at lunchtime in small city downtown.
People dining at outside tables under umbrellas on sunny day.
Pedestrians walking on wide sidewalks. Light car traffic. Landscaped
outdoor dining areas adjacent to roadside and street parking.
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Chicago Urban
Mixed Use Area - vs0444
4 Clips
TRT 1:15
Views of Chicago urban area shot through front windshield of
moving car. Industrial and commercial brick buildings. Car traffic
and busy intersections. Streets lined with cars. Passing bus
and taxi. Pass under metro rail station. View of highrises in
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San Francisco
Downtown - vs0445
16 Clips
TRT 2:23
Downtown San Francisco streetscapes shot from car. Pedestrians
on sidewalks and crossing intersections. First floor restaurants
and retail. Highrise buildings, bicyclists, newspaper machines,
pay phones, and delivery vehicles. Parked cars and car traffic.
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