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Cutting grass, mowing lawn with a riding lawn mower, emitting air pollution and greenhouse gases.
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TRT: 3 Minutes 08 Seconds
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About The Clips: Shots of a woman operating a riding lawn mower on a large lawn with lots of fall leaves on the ground. Shots of the lawn mower spitting cut grass and leaves out the side and sending a visible cloud of dust into the air. Panning and static shots of mowing past trees, including a shot in front of a house with a flowerbed. Shots of the mower making turns and cutting around trees. Wide shot of the mower on a sloping lawn with a blue lake in the background. Medium static shot of mowing the lawn with a driveway and mailboxes in the foreground.
Comments On Clip Subjects: Gas lawn mowers emit significant amounts of air pollution. The large expanse of turf grass in these clips illustrates an energy and resource intensive approach to landscaping (from gasoline, water, and fertilizer). Pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers used on lawns are often significant contributors to nonpoint source water pollution. This expansive lawn uphill from an adjacent lake is an excellent illustration of how lawn care chemicals can pollute nearby waters. Landscaping chemicals also often contaminate compost make from recycled green wastes.
Related Clip Groups: Landscaping and parks here, air quality and global warming here, large city smog here, water pollution here, and green waste collection and processing here.