Archived Video Stock Footage
Landscaping, Parks, Recreation & Symbols
EcoIQ.com’s video stock footage clips are no longer available for purchase. We will continue to make our more than 5000 preview clips viewable for historical and archival purposes.
Riding Lawn Mower - vs0002
12 Clips
TRT 3:08
Elderly woman skillfully drives residential riding lawn mower.
Shots of cutting grass on green lawn with lots of fall leaves,
mowing past mailboxes and driveway, making turns and cutting
around trees. Close-ups and wide shots of mower in action.
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Flowers In
Parks & Streetscapes - vs0120
14 Clips
TRT 3:06
Shots of colorful flowers in a park with pedestrian walkways,
a family picnic, a group of people dancing, and a couple sitting
on a bench. Other shots of flowers in streetside raised beds,
in an urban plaza, and hanging from a lamppost in pots.
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People Enjoying
Public Parks - vs0122
11 Clips
TRT 1:55
A girl sits under a large tree. Girls play volleyball. A couple
with a baby picnics on a lawn. A large group of people circle
dance. An elderly couple sits on a park bench. People admire
a calm pond - includes reflection close-up. Large groups of
kids play in the water at a lake.
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Flowers In
Residential Landscaping - vs0124
6 Clips
TRT 0:52
Shots of a row of flowers from ground level - along walkway
with house in background and with fence and blooming tree. Moderate
close-ups of flowers moving slowly in a light breeze. One shot
with watering can and wall. Daffodils and resplendent pink flowers.
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Urban Park
Ponds & Pools - vs0126
7 Clips
TRT 1:09
A family admires a calm pond - includes a close-up of their
reflections in the water. Shot of pool surrounded by colorful
vegetation. Pond with gulls and ducks. People passing by on
walkway. Shots of pond with fountain spouting water.
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Miami Park
With A "Walden Pond" - vs0317
1 Clip
TRT 0:17
This shot zooms out from a close-up of a "Walden Pond"
sign to show a pond and park in background then pans from the
park to an adjacent wide street with cars driving by and palm
trees in the distance. Miami, Florida.
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Display - vs0449
1 Clip
TRT 0:22
One shot of a fireworks display in total darkness. Begins as
a wide shot showing fireworks being shot from the ground and
exploding in air, and then zooms in for closer view of the colorful
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Urban Water
Amenities - vs0530
5 Clips
TRT 0:17
Man and child on bridge above lake with sail boats and houses
in background. People picnicking with large ferry passing by
in background. Families enjoying a large urban fountain. Pond
with red water lily, lily pads, and orange fish. Ferry passing
urban area including the Seattle Space Needle tower. Very short
clips. Circa 1960s.
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Landscaping - vs0571
20 Clips
TRT 4:34
Diverse shots of turfgrass landscaping including shopping mall
parking lot and entryway, city parks and roadsides, individual
residences, commercial properties, housing development, cemetery,
restaurant, and motels.
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United States
Flag - vs0572
18 Clips
TRT 4:58
Views of the United States flag in settings including next to
motel, above a family restaurant, next to a fast food restaurant
sign, on a "Thanks for traveling" banner, at car dealerships,
at a lumber mill, above two dams, on a billboard, and next to
roadway with traffic.
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