Archived Video Stock Footage
New Development & Construction
EcoIQ.com’s video stock footage clips are no longer available for purchase. We will continue to make our more than 5000 preview clips viewable for historical and archival purposes.
Urban Edge
Past Giant Oak - vs0052
1 Clip
TRT 1:47
Shot from a hilltop, a giant oak tree is shown in the foreground
with urban edge homes down the hill below. The developed valley
floor, San Francisco Bay, and the East Bay hills can be seen
in the distance. Slow and fast zooms in and out highlight the
urban edge.
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School Under
Construction - vs0156
5 Clips
TRT 1:07
Views of a new school site under construction. Pans to cement
foundation and wood structure of building. Construction worker
with utility belt on roof placing nails and hammering. Views
of a large cement piling, a wood pallet, and boards.
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Housing Under
Construction - vs0214
30 Clips
TRT 5:45
Shots of an upscale housing development construction site. Unfinished
wood frame homes, construction workers, shingles on pallets
and on roofs, leveled dirt lot, stacks of sheetrock and two-by-fours,
an industrial lift, and small trucks.
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Urban Edge
From Distance - vs0215
17 Clips
TRT 6:44
Pans and zooms of built out and under construction housing developments
seen from a distant undeveloped hillside. Cleared land ready
for building on grassy hillside at the urban edge. Large lake
next to development. Smog above housing.
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Reno Subdivision
On The Urban Edge - vs0304
5 Clips
TRT 1:20
Views of a housing development next to an undeveloped hillside.
Zoom out from hill to a backyard with a green lawn. Pan of homes,
fences, and yards with hillsides in background. Reno, Nevada.
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Land For Sale,
Lease, Build To Suit - vs0313
8 Clips
TRT 2:03
"For Sale" sign on empty lot. Shots of "Retail Site For Lease
Or Build To Suit" sign - with large open space, close-up, and
with building and American flag. Shot with signs including the
number of acres available. Commercial property sign next to
street. QuickTime
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Suburban Housing
Under Construction - vs0314
9 Clips
TRT 1:50
Shots of a suburban housing development during construction.
Rows of unfinished houses with piles of dirt, construction materials,
and equipment in the front yards. One shot of completed homes
behind a fence with an empty dirt lot in front.
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Construction - vs0425
3 Clips
TRT 0:16
Views of commercial construction projects shot from moving car.
Semi-truck in front of a temporary covered sidewalk. Dumpster
on street in front of a building renovation project. Advertising
signs in front of temporary trailer and office construction
site. QuickTime
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Development Project - vs0495
7 Clips
TRT 0:58
Close-ups and wide shots of an industrial development project.
Construction worker with hard hat taking measurements. Bulldozer
carrying load of gravel. Large warehouse with construction equipment
and materials outside.
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