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Municipal solid waste transfer station including loading garbage in semi for transfer to a landfill.
30 Stock Video Clips
TRT: 9 Minutes 52 Seconds
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About The Clips: Fully mixed municipal garbage and rubbish enters transfer station from overhead conveyor and tumbles into large piles. Also shows loads of mixed office/commercial waste destined for transfer. Garbage is scraped, shoved and lifted into larger piles by front loader with hydraulically gripping bucket. Waste is then loaded into a large semi transfer trailer by the front loader. This is captured from all angles: side, below bucket, rear of trailer, opposite side of trailer (over top and under trailer). A tarp is then lashed over the fully loaded transfer trailer, and the semi leaves the building and then leaves the complex. Hand held camera very close up and in the middle of the garbage, heavy equipment, and transfer trailer on the tipping floor. Zooms and pans of garbage and loading process.
Comments On Clip Subjects: Illustrates, in addition to the operation of a transfer station per se, two other points. First, landfill capacity close to cities is being used up, and as a result, communities are increasingly being forced to ship their wastes long distances for disposal. And second, the images of wastes being transferred show clearly that large amounts of recyclable materials remain in the garbage being landfilled, and this in turn illustrates the point that many communities could do a far better job of capturing and recycling these materials.
Related Clip Groups: Waste bins and operating landfill here, heavy equipment in waste and recycling here, municipal recycling here, green waste and composting here, construction and demolition recycling here.