Archived Video Stock Footage
Heavy Equip. In Solid Waste & Recycling
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Front Loaders
At MRFs - vs0192
18 Clips
TRT 4:51
Varied shots of front loaders working in materials recovery
facilities (MRF). Wide shot of a front loader picking up waste
material from a pile. Close up shot of a front loader with grapple
hooks on the bucket picking up material. Front loader pushes
and lifts materials up into a pile.
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Wastes & Concrete - vs0195
12 Clips
TRT 5:41
Shots of massive bulldozers pushing piles of garbage at a large
landfill. Some shots include gulls flying and/or people scavenging.
Close up, medium, and wide shots of a bulldozer pushing recycled
concrete material into and up a very large pile.
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Front Loaders,
Wastes & Recycling - vs0196
16 Clips
TRT 7:42
Shots of a front loader pushing mulch up a pile and of dumping
mulch on a pile. Shots of a front loader putting ground greenwaste
into a dump truck. Front loader scoops up finished compost from
a large pile and loads it into a dump truck. Front loader loading
mulch into a semi for shipment. Front loader pushing wood construction
debris into a pile, and loading mixed dirt and concrete for
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Adapted For Recycling - vs0197
7 Clips
TRT 3:17
Close up and medium shots of a backhoe with an attached skimming
blade pulling floating wood out of a pool and up a ramp. Backhoe
shovel pushing debris to within reach of the skimming blade.
Worker operating backhoe controls. Shot of a forklift with an
adaptor that is holding and rotating a bin for recyclables.
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Heavy Shovels
Used In Recycling - vs0198
23 Clips
TRT 4:57
Excavator shovels with claws pick up green waste and demolition
debris and place materials in tub grinders. Large excavator
shovel with claw picks up tree removal waste from one pile and
moves it to another pile. Shots of a shovel picking up materials
from an auto recycling scrap metal pile. Shots of one excavator
picking up and moving broken sheetrock, and of another placing
demolition debris onto a screening device.
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Claw Used
In Auto Recycling - vs0199
7 Clips
TRT 1:35
Varied shots of an excavator with a grapple claw picking up
pieces of crushed cars, rotating on its base, and placing them
onto a loading platform of an auto shredder.
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Dump Trucks,
Wastes & Recycling - vs0200
4 Clips
TRT 1:28
Front loader scoops up finished compost from a large pile and
loads it into a dump truck. Shot of a small dump truck followed
by a large dump truck driving down a recycling facility road.
Shots of a dump truck arriving full and then leaving a large
landfill after unloading.
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Semi Trucks,
Wastes & Recycling - vs0201
19 Clips
TRT 6:53
Wide shot and close up of a front loader dumping mulch into
an open-top semi trailer. Crushed cars being carried on a flat
bed semi. Semi truck driving on a recycling facility road. Semi
truck trailer being raised by an hydraulic platform and dumping
construction debris. Shots of waste being loaded into a truck,
secured by a cover, and the truck driving away.
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Giant Dump
Trucks In Recycling - vs0202
5 Clips
TRT 1:17
Large dump truck (aka, haul truck) driving on a recycling facility
road. Dump truck passing in front of a large pile of recycled
concrete. Shots of a front loader loading a dump truck with
ground green waste. Dump truck driving with a load of wood demolition
debris. QuickTime
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