Archived Video Stock Footage
Restaurants, Bars, Entertainment, Hotels & Motels
EcoIQ.com’s video stock footage clips are no longer available for purchase. We will continue to make our more than 5000 preview clips viewable for historical and archival purposes.
Fast Food Drive
Thru - vs0326
2 Clips
TRT 1:19
Woman in van and man in car order meals at a fast food chain
drive thru. Sign on speaker box reads "PLEASE PLACE ORDER
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Steak Dinner
With Candlelight - vs0342
6 Clips
TRT 1:11
Variety of close-up shots of steak dinner with candlelight.
Male hands cut steak with fork and knife. Steak, asparagus,
cut carrots on white plate. Wine bottle, wine glass, peppershaker
and tall green candle in foreground. Bright yellow light from
candle. QuickTime
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Steam Table & Food - vs0343
20 Clips
TRT 7:41
Shots of restaurant buffet steam table and food. Close-ups of
diners putting food on their plates and selecting utensils.
Wide shots of people in buffet area, time-lapse and normal speed.
Servers adding food. Handheld shot looking down at steam table
with food items.
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Fast Food
Restaurants - vs0361
16 Clips
TRT 2:52
Shots of chain fast food restaurants that sell burgers, pizza,
and tacos. Views of building facades and signage. Shots with
auto traffic in foreground. Zoom and pan of advertising banner
for cheeseburger. Short clip of cashier counter.
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Full Service
Restaurants - vs0362
10 Clips
TRT 3:09
Exterior views of full service restaurants, including steakhouses,
buffet, and diner. Wide shots and medium shots of building facades.
Signage close-ups. One wide shot of restaurant with large American
flag flying above it. One sign at night shot from car.
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Fast Food
Restaurant Signs - vs0417
25 Clips
TRT 6:30
Shots of various chain fast food restaurant signs. Large pedestal
signs and building signs. Sign close-ups. Shots with auto traffic
in foreground. Shots with American flag. Exit, Watch Your Head,
and Thank You signage.
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Driving By
Fast Food Restaurants - vs0418
4 Clips
TRT 0:37
Shots from car driving by chain fast food restaurants. Restaurant
types include burgers, fried chicken, tacos, and sandwiches.
Views of storefront signage and buildings. One night shot of
a large, illuminated pedestal sign.
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Bars & Casinos
- vs0421
23 Clips
TRT 5:22
Various shots of bars and casinos. People drinking at table
and bar. People playing pool, slot machines and other casino
games. Separate close-ups of pint of beer, hard liquor bottles,
and "CASINO" sign. A few shots have shutter speed
effects applied.
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Motels & Related
Facilities - vs0437
8 Clips
TRT 1:56
Views of motels and related facilities. Shots of motel facades
and signage, including large pedestal signs. Motel with adjacent
American flag on flagpole. Yellow "Thanks for traveling"
banner with American flag symbol.
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Motel Signage
- vs0438
9 Clips
TRT 2:11
A variety of shots of motel signage. Medium and close-ups shots
of large pedestal signs. Close-up of large billboard. Shot of
pedestal sign with adjacent sidewalk and wide street.
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