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Operating open pit coal mine, including working coal shovel, giant dump trucks, and removal of overburden.
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TRT: 4 Minutes 15 Seconds
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About The Clips: A very large red and white tracked coal shovel works the floor of an open pit coal mine. It scrapes up bites of coal from the side of the pit and loads them into giant dump trucks. Distance shots show terraced overburden illustrating what has been removed to get at the coal deposits. A truck sprays water on a mine road and on the coal bed floor to suppress dust, and a very large dump truck is shown emptying a load of overburden (dirt). A truck carrying coal leaves the mine pit.
Comments On Clip Subjects: Coal mining and coal-fired electric power plants damage large areas of land, contribute disproportionately to global warming and air pollution, and release toxic mercury and other dangerous substances into the environment.
Related Clip Groups: Coal mining, transport and power plants here, coal-fired electric power plant here, very long coal train here, and electricity transmission here.