Archived Video Stock Footage
Coal Mining, Transport & Power Plants
EcoIQ.com’s video stock footage clips are no longer available for purchase. We will continue to make our more than 5000 preview clips viewable for historical and archival purposes.
Open Pit Coal
Mining - vs0270
18 Clips
TRT 4:15
Portrait, medium and wide shots of giant shovels scooping coal.
Wide shots of tiered open pit coal mine. Shovel drops coal into
dump truck. Dump truck entering and leaving mine. Large water
truck spraying road. Dump truck dumps full load of dirt.
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Electric Power - vs0271
6 Clips
TRT 2:02
Portrait shots of a coal-fired electric power plant with smoke
and steam rising from its vents and stacks in a desert landscape.
One shot with rider on horseback in foreground, one very distant
shot of the plant, and one shot of power lines in the distance.
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Very Long
Coal Train - vs0272
4 Clips
TRT 0:39
Angled portraits and wide shots of coal train cars passing by.
Shot of the train engine in the rear (pushing the train). All
train coal cars identically painted. Nature landscape with clear
blue sky.
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Arizona Power
Plant - vs0299
11 Clips
TRT 3:50
Portrait, medium, wide, and super distant shots of an Arizona
power plant with three stacks emitting long streams of smoke.
Includes slow and fast zoom shots from across the desert valley,
a few rack focus shots, and some distant pans.
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Wyoming Power
Plant - vs0370
3 Clips
TRT 1:00
A portrait shot, a panning zoom out, and a zoom in on an operating
Wyoming power plant.
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Wyoming Power
Plant-1 - vs0371
6 Clips
TRT 1:51
Views of a Wyoming power plant next to a river in a dry grassland
environment. One stack is billowing a large amount of smoke.
Close up, medium, and wide shots. One pan from the river.
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Coal Mining
Land Impacts - vs0378
3 Clips
TRT 0:45
Three variations of a zooming out shot over a rocky, barren
landscape adjacent to a coal mine.
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Open Pit Coal
Mining-2 - vs0379
9 Clips
TRT 3:55
Shots of a large shovel on a boom rig lifting loads of overburden
and dumping them on a large pile. Pan from close up of earth
layers to an exposed coal seam. Workers with hard hats inspect
the area. Distant shot of shovel with devastated landscape in
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Giant Coal
Mining Equipment - vs0380
7 Clips
TRT 1:27
Massive boom rig shovel shows its size next to a van and workers.
Close up and medium shots of men in hard hats in front of the
wheel of a giant dump truck. Zoom out from the heavy suspension
of the dump truck to a portrait of its enormous double wheels.
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Open Pit Coal
Mining-3 - vs0381
2 Clips
TRT 0:40
Two zoom out shots of an open pit coal mine with hills in distance.
One shot has a shovel in the background. Dusk or dawn lighting.
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Coal Mining
Aerial Views - vs0382
17 Clips
TRT 2:18
Many aerial shots of coal mine operations. Distant views of
large boom rig shovels surrounded by long rows of excavated
overburden, with unaltered landscape beyond. Many shots with
afternoon light distinctly showing the excavations with shadow
lines. QuickTime
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Open Pit Coal
Mining-4 - vs0386
4 Clips
TRT 1:07
Varied shots of an open pit coal mine. Shot of an explosion
removing overburden, creating a billowing cloud. A bulldozer
scooping coal and dumping it into a truck. A wide shot pan of
the mine. Zoom out from a loaded dump truck driving away, then
pan to mine.
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