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Plastics recycling, including bins and bales of colored, opaque, and clear plastic containers, and bottles.
9 Stock Video Clips
TRT: 2 Minutes 28 Seconds
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About The Clips: Varied shots of recycled plastics and plastics recycling at a materials recovery facility (MRF). Medium panning shot of stacked bales of mixed colored plastic containers next to bales of uniform opaque plastic containers and bales of mixed colored plastic soda bottles. Zoom in to close up pan showing clear and green plastic soda bottles, opaque containers, and colored containers. A "PET Plastic #1" sign on an orange dumpster at a recycling drop-off center. The camera then moves to the bin, shoots down into it, and pans the clear plastic water and soft drink bottles. A "Colored HDPE Plastic #2" sign on a dumpster. The camera then moves to the bin, shoots down into it, and pans the varied colored juice, shampoo, and detergent bottles. A "'Natural' HDPE Plastic #2" sign on a dumpster. The camera then dollies to the bin, tilts down into it, and pans the opaque milk jugs and water containers. A shot down at unsorted plastic containers being transported on a conveyor belt. Panning shots of stacked bales of mixed colored plastic containers. Includes a pan down.
Comments On Clip Subjects: The environmental benefit of recycling plastic varies greatly depending on the type and quality of the recycled plastic. Uniformity of the recycled plastic, meaning that it is not contaminated with other types of plastic, makes it more valuable. PET #1, often used for soda and water bottles, fabrics, and carpeting, is a high quality plastic that can be recycled into new products of the same type. This conserves natural resources. Lower quality mixed plastics often end up being recycled into plastic lumber for playground equipment, tables, fencing, decks, and other durable products. In the future, such plastics may be a feedstock for producing liquid fuel.
Related Clip Groups: Municipal recycling and recycled materials here, residential curbside recycling collection here, wastes and landfills here, and heavy equipment in solid waste and recycling here.