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Brown, clear, green, mixed, and recycled glass bottles at recycling facilities. Drop-off center dumpsters.
15 Stock Video Clips
TRT: 5 Minutes 01 Second
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About The Clips: Wide shots and zooms to close ups of large piles of broken and intact glass bottles in outdoor storage areas at recycling facilities. Static wide shot then zoom in to a pile of intact empty brown, green, and clear glass bottles. Close up pans of very dirty broken mixed glass bottles. Portrait of an orange dumpster with a "Brown Glass" sign, then pan to show a "Clear Glass" signed dumpster and a long row of other dumpsters at a recycling drop-off center. Close up of a "Green Glass" sign on an orange dumpster. The camera then moves to the bin, shoots down into it, and pans across green glass bottles. Pan shot of large wooden crates with rows of intact recycled wine bottles. Panning shot of a conveyor belt with a chute and a large storage bin below full of glass. Shot then zooms in to close up of the mixed glass pile. Wide and close up pans of dirty low-grade mixed glass contaminated with plastics and other materials.
Comments On Clip Subjects: Drop-off recycling centers (the orange bins) have largely been replaced by larger scale materials recycling facilities (aka MRFs). Glass collection for refilling and reuse (the wine bottles in wooden crates) produces the maximum environmental benefit. Reuse conserves the most energy, water, and materials and reduces the most manufacturing pollution. The next most beneficial glass recycling is clean color sorted glass that is melted down and recycled into new bottles. Such recycling also saves energy, water, and materials and reduces air and water pollution (compared with using natural raw materials in production). The least beneficial glass recycling involves crushing and using it in products such as glassphalt (pavement). This keeps the glass out of landfills, and is sometimes the best result possible when starting with low-grade highly contaminated mixed glass.
Related Clip Groups: Municipal recycling and recycled materials here, residential curbside recycling collection here, wastes and landfills here, and heavy equipment in solid waste and recycling here.