EcoIQ Magazine’s Contributing Editors were active during the period when the Magazine published most of its articles (1998-2008).
He is a filmmaker,
speaker, and writer specializing in environmental and safety issues.
He was on the White House staff under President Carter, was a
special assistant at the EPA, and was general partner in Voice
of the Planet, a ten-part nationally broadcast television
series on global environmental issues starring William Shatner
and Faye Dunaway.
by Rob Caughlan here...
He has written
for most of the solid waste management and recycling journals
in the United States. He has taught or lectured on integrated
waste management at San Jose State University, UC Davis, UCLA,
and the University of Wisconsin. He has also served as an officer
or board member of the National Recycling Coalition, the California
Resource Recovery Association, and the Northern California Recycling
by Richard Gertman here...
He directed
Flex Your Power, California's comprehensive resources for energy
efficiency. He advanced presidential trips for the Carter White
House, and he served as the legislative advocate for the California
Governor's Office in the early 1980s. McGuire was the national
field director for Earth Day 1990, the largest environmental event
in United States history.
by Walter McGuire here...
S. Walz
She is a planning
consultant and the Principal in Strategic Community Solutions
(SCS). Prior to forming SCS, Walz was Director of Planning for
Freilich, Leitner and Carlisle, managing planning projects for
clients nationwide. She has also served as the Manager of Comprehensive
Planning for the City of Austin and as Special Assistant for Economic
Policy at the Boston Redevelopment Authority.
by Karen Walz here
Another here
Another here
Another here
& Speakers Providing Excerpts
She is a professional
career counselor and author of Making
a Living While Making a Difference: Conscious Careers for an Era
of Interdependence.
She has also written three previous books and many articles. She
was the recipient of the Olive Branch Award of the NYU Center
on War, Peace and the News Media for her book Breaking Ranks.
Book Excerpt
by Melissa Everett here
He is a futurist
and the author of Awakening
and Voluntary
He served as a senior staff member of the joint Presidential-Congressional
Commission on Population Growth and the American Future and as
a senior social scientist with SRI International. He co-authored
studies on the long-range future for the Environmental Protection
Agency, the President's Science Advisor, and the National Science
Book Excerpts
by Duane Elgin here and here
He is co-founder
of The Future 500, an organization working to demonstrate how
companies can profit from sustainability by applying measurement
and management tools that stimulate innovation, by replacing products
with services, and by driving waste toward zero.
Excerpt by Bill Shireman here
He has written
four books, more than a hundred articles, and produced twenty
videos. He has taught at the college level, worked as a policy
analyst for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for more
than a decade, and helped design and build the cohousing village
in which he now lives. His most recent book, Affluenza,
which he co-authored with John de Graaf and Thomas Naylor, offers
an escape route to a new American Dream that will be much healthier
and much more satisfying.
Book Excerpt
by David Wann here
Michael Castleman
He is the author of ten health books with a total of more than 2.2 million copies in print, and is considered "one of the nation's leading health writers" (Library Journal). His environmental health writing has appeared in Sierra, Mother Jones, and Men's Health, among many other publications. He has twice been nominated for National Magazine Awards, and has taught medical journalism at the University of California, Berkeley, Graduate School of Journalism.
Article by Michael Castleman here
Another here… Another here…
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