Archived Video Stock Footage
Flowers & Flowering Bushes
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Jewels of the
Green World - vs0007
35 Clips
TRT 7:58
Spectacular close up shots (static, zooms, and pans) of flowers
from Venezuela: tango, wax flower, great passion fruit flower,
orchid oncidium sp., orchid sobralia sp., orchid epidendrum
trigrinus, orchid stanhopea wardii, orchid schomburgkia undulata,
passion fruit flower, bird of paradise flower, fuchsia flower,
orchid epidendrum secundum, orchid violet sp.
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Nature Up
(Very) Close - vs0022
45 Clips
TRT 7:33
Close ups and extreme close ups of flowers. Stigma and pollen
grains, anther and filament, buds about to burst. Colorful blossoms
gently swaying in the breeze. Shimmering dew drops on leaves
and grass. Droplets reflecting sunlight. Bee crawling through
grass and on a flower. Cactus and their thorns and flowers.
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Flowers &
Rocks In Field - vs0032
8 Clips
TRT 4:47
Shots of abundant yellow wildflowers, commonly called tidy tips,
in a green field with protruding rocks. Zoom out from close
up of flowers. Pan up to wide shot. Wide shots with people hiking
on a trail in the background. Blue sky.
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Flowers &
Boulder In Field - vs0033
2 Clips
TRT 4:12
Wide shot pan of a hillside with yellow flowers (tidy tips)
below, then to an adjacent dirt road curving through a field
with people walking, and then to a boulder in a grassy field
with yellow wildflowers and forested hills in the distance.
Close up of a flower and grasses on a boulder, then zoom out
to wide shot, and reverse.
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Yellow & White
Flowers - vs0034
5 Clips
TRT 2:26
Static close ups and pans of yellow flowers with white petal
tips swaying in the wind in a field of green grasses.
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Orange & Yellow
Flowers - vs0038
11 Clips
TRT 5:43
Close ups and then zoom outs to wide shots of a flower with
yellow and orange striped petals swaying in the wind on a hillside
of green grasses. Then shots zooms back in. Pans from a yellow
and orange flower to grasses, and then from the flower to a
smaller purple flower (blue-eyed grass).
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Yellow "Glowing"
Flower - vs0039
10 Clips
TRT 5:28
Static close ups of a California poppy (Eschscholzia californica)
glowing yellow and orange in the sunshine and swaying in the
wind, with shaded greenery in the background. Pans up and down
poppy stem to its leaves. In one shot, an insect flies into
the flower. Side views and looking down at the flower.
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Yellow Flowering
Bushes - vs0050
9 Clips
TRT 5:50
Close ups, wide shots, zooms, and pans of the sticky monkey
flower plant (Mimulus aurantiacus) with its dark green leaves
and yellow-orange trumpet-shaped flowers. Wide shots show many
blooming monkey flower plants next to California sagebrush.
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Purple Wildflowers
- vs0051
4 Clips
TRT 3:20
Shots of purple wildflowers (Lupinus albifrons, aka lupine)
on a hillside. Zoom in to close up of flowering stalks with
flowers that are a combination of purple, blue, and white. Green
palmate leaves in the background. Zoom out to wide shot of flowers
with a green hillside and bushes in the background, then reverse.
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Forsythia Bushes - vs0075
8 Clips
TRT 2:08
Static wide shot of bright yellow flowering forsythia bushes
on a green hillside with a split-rail fence in the foreground.
Medium shot of forsythia bushes blowing gently in a breeze.
Close ups of branches with yellow flowers, including some with
water in the background. Yellow forsythia reflections in water.
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Iris Blooming
On Coastline - vs0076
4 Clips
TRT 1:13
Close ups of a purple iris blooming on a coastline. One shot
with sun shining through backlit petals. Water shimmering in
the background. One close up silhouette of the iris with golden
sunlight reflecting off of the water in the background.
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Flowers Bushes
& Flowers Close-Up - vs0123
7 Clips
TRT 1:13
Static close ups of various flowering plants and bushes. Backlit
shot of a flower with pink petals glowing in the sunlight. Small
purple flowers next to blades of grass. Close up of a blooming
yellow flower next to closed buds. A flowering bush with pink
flowers. QuickTime
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Field Of Blue
Wildflowers - vs0125
3 Clips
TRT 0:43
Static wide shot of a field of blue wildflowers and green grass
with trees in the background. Close up of blue flowers (and
some small yellow flowers) shot from a low angle. Wide shot
with people walking on a hillside of wildflowers.
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