’s video stock footage clips are no longer available for purchase. We will continue to make our more than 5000 preview clips viewable for historical and archival purposes.
Loosing Battle
With House Fire - vs0018 28 Clips
TRT 12:34
Close up, medium, and wide shots of a fire fighter holding a
fire hose spraying water on a house engulfed in flames. Yellow
fire engine with fire in background. Flame close-ups. Shots
of house in smoke and flames plus time lapse of house burning
to the ground. QuickTime
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Crystal Springs
Reservoir & Dam - vs0331 9 Clips
TRT 2:22
Pan down Crystal Springs Dam from roadway on top and zoom in
to water flowing from a pipe below. Slow zoom out and pan up
from shimmering blue water to a wide shot of the Reservoir.
Panning wide shot from water in the Reservoir to the Dam. Zooms
and pans of water level markers. Pan down to "Crystal Springs
Dam" metal plaque. QuickTime
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Of Residential Water Uses - vs0533 23 Clips
TRT 0:50
Short clips of varied water uses at home. Plate being washed.
Kitchen faucet dripping. Water boiling on a stove. Coffee pot
being filled in kitchen sink. Person taking a shower behind
a translucent door. Woman dipping foot into water in a bathtub
being filled. Woman filling a glass of water and handing it
to her daughter. Man in bathroom preparing to shave. People
in a swimming pool. Circa 1970s. QuickTime
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Water Supply & Dams - vs0569 23 Clips
TRT 5:22
Shots of various water supplies. Wide shots and zooms out from
a large reservoir with green shoreline. Zooming pan from water
in a reservoir to a dam. Night shot of an illuminated dam. Aerial
shots of dams and reservoirs. Views of Glen Canyon Dam and Reservoir.
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Indoor Residential
Water Uses - vs0579 6 Clips
TRT 2:10
Close ups of water dripping from a metal kitchen faucet. Close
up of clean water being flushed in a toilet and the bowl refilling.
Zoom in to a showerhead spraying water. Zoom out from a close
up of a toilet float ball to a wide shot view of a massive pile
of broken toilet pieces, including toilet seats, lids, tank
covers, and miscellaneous porcelain. QuickTime
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