’s video stock footage clips are no longer available for purchase. We will continue to make our more than 5000 preview clips viewable for historical and archival purposes.
Operating Paper
Mill - vs0261 59 Clips
TRT 15:00
Paper mill with smoke stacks. Log loader picking logs off a
truck and stacking them. Track loaders climbing a large pile
of wood chips. Truck trailer dumps a load of wood chips. Air
monitoring shed. Wood chips being blown into a pile. Grapple
picks up log sections from large pile and dumps them into a
water trough leading to mill. Foamy brown wastewater flowing
into settling ponds. Treated wastewater being released into
river. QuickTime
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Chip Mill
& Wood Chipping - vs0391 6 Clips
TRT 2:22
Pan from chip mill company sign to piles of chipped wood and
grapple loaders moving logs. Shots of loaders with a large log
stack in the background. Panning wide shot from log piles to
loaders and wood chip piles. Tractor placing logs on log pile.
Log truck carrying logs passing chip mill. QuickTime
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Chipco Mill
- vs0494 18 Clips
TRT 2:40
A grapple on a boom and cable drops wood debris and small logs
into a metal bin. Varied shots of a large raised structure with
conveyor belts and piles of wood chips below. Docked barges.
Front loader driving on top of a large pile of wood chips. QuickTime
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Paper Mill-1 - vs0508 13 Clips
TRT 3:38
Zooms and pans of an operating paper mill. Wide shot of mill
with stacks emitting smoke. Smoke stacks with city street and
houses in foreground. Wide shot silhouette of tall smoke stacks
at sunset. Large log piles being watered by a high pressure
rotating sprinkler with an operating cable grapple in the background.
Pan of cut logs on rail cars. QuickTime
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Paper Mill
On Water & Smokestack - vs0509 5 Clips
TRT 2:27
Wide shot of an operating paper mill and smokestacks on a river.
Pan from the mill to an adjacent town with a river in the foreground.
All shots in winter with snow on the ground. Close ups of a
smokestack emitting white smoke. QuickTime
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Home Paper
Products & Publications - vs0512 12 Clips
TRT 4:01
Dolly shots of store shelves displaying packages of paper cups,
paper plates, facial tissues, napkins, toilet paper (bath tissue),
and paper towels. Static shots of rolls of paper towels made
from recycled paper being taken from a shelf by a customer's
hand. Dolly shot of large magazine and paperback book display
rack. QuickTime
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In Forest
Chipping & Loading Truck - vs0513 17 Clips
TRT 6:13
Wood chipper with a grapple boom chipping wood in a forest and
blowing wood chips into a semi truck trailer. Shots of the grapple
feeding small delimbed trees into the chipper. Close up of trees
being pulled into the chipper by toothed rollers. Close up of
wood chips being blown into the truck. Skidder hauling trees
to the chipper. Loaded truck driving away. QuickTime
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Pulp Mill - vs0526 31 Clips
TRT 11:11
Varied shots of a container pulp mill. Wide, medium, and close
ups of operating mill buildings and smoke stacks. A stream of
wood chips being dropped onto a large pile. Close up of material
flowing off a conveyor belt. Truck scale entrance sign with
flashing yellow light. Aerial views of a pulp mill with adjacent
ponds and river. QuickTime
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Lumber & Pulping
Mill - vs0527 17 Clips
TRT 6:27
Close up shots of logs being pulled into a machine by rollers
with large teeth. Logs on a conveyor belt being cut by a large
retracting circular saw. Close ups of wood chips on a conveyor
belt. Cut wood posts emerging from a machine. Close ups and
wide shots of a debarker removing bark from a rotating log.
Aerial wide shots of the mill and surrounding forest. QuickTime
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Paper Mill
Wastewater Effluent - vs0528 15 Clips
TRT 2:33
Pans and zooms of a wastewater settling pond with a paper mill
in the background. Foamy brown effluent flowing into the pond.
Close ups of roiling brown water and thick foam. Water being
released into a river. Panning wide shot from river to paper
mill. QuickTime
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