Archived Video Stock Footage
Ferry Transit
EcoIQ.com’s video stock footage clips are no longer available for purchase. We will continue to make our more than 5000 preview clips viewable for historical and archival purposes.
Red & White
Bay Ferry - vs0085
7 Clips TRT 1:39
Red and white ferry leaving the dock. Wide shots and portraits
of outgoing ferry on a bay with views of an urban shore
in the background. Zoom out from incoming ferry to wide
shot showing shore with commuter trains. Wide shot of passengers
and bicyclists walking through entrance doors in ferry terminal. QuickTime
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Red, White
& Black Ocean Ferry - vs0087
3 Clips TRT 0:34
Wide shot views of an outgoing red, white, and black ocean
ferry in calm water. One zoom out from close up of the side
of the ferry. Views of passengers on decks, rotating radar
on tower, and rear vehicle/cargo door. QuickTime
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B.C. Ferries
Ocean Ferry - vs0088
10 Clips TRT 2:28
Wide shots of B.C. Ferries on water with rocky shore in
foreground and forested hills in background. Two wide shots
include a solar powered navigational light in foreground.
Shots of ferry passing by perpendicular to camera. Some
shots showing people on deck, lifeboats, and the ship's
bridge. QuickTime
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Two Small
Ferries - vs0089
4 Clips TRT 0:55
Views of small ferries shot from a nearby boat. Medium shot
of ferry passing by in calm bay. Ferry with smaller boat
in foreground. Medium shot of ferry passing by at speed
in an expansive waterway with snow capped mountains in background.
Backlit wideshot traveling parallel to a ferry going in
the same direction. QuickTime
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