Archived Video Stock Footage
Bus Transit
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Bus Transit - vs0092
11 Clips TRT 3:03
Wide shots of people waiting for a city bus. Medium shots
of people boarding a bus. A person running to catch a bus.
Buses driving in urban car traffic. Panning shot of bus
driving by and then pulling over to the curb. QuickTime
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Municipal Transit Bus - vs0093
3 Clips TRT 0:53
Wide shot of electric municipal transit bus driving by with
pedestrians in foreground. Wide shot from moving car following
an electric bus. Then zooms in to close up of the trolley
poles and the overhead electric wires. One shot of an oncoming
trolleybus, shot from moving car. QuickTime
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Tour &
Shuttle Buses - vs0094
4 Clips TRT 1:34
Tight shot of tour bus making a right turn. Medium wide
shot of a shuttle bus making a right turn. Close up of an
articulated bus passing by after waiting at a light, with
a double-decker bus in the next lane over. Panning shot
of car rental buses waiting for passengers at an airport. QuickTime
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Two Section
"Articulated" Bus - vs0098
6 Clips TRT 1:36
Close up of an articulated bus passing by, with a double-decker
bus in the next lane over. Wideshot of an articulated bus
(sometimes called a bendy bus, an accordion bus, or a jointed
bus) stopped at a light, zoom in to close up of seated passengers,
and then bus moving forward. Zoom out from close up of articulated
bus accelerating away from bus stop. Articulated bus making
a left turn. QuickTime
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Rack On Front Of Bus - vs0099
4 Clips TRT 0:58
Shots of bicycle racks on the front of various municipal
transit buses. One portrait shot of a rack on a stopped
bus, then bus moves forward. Racks are shown folded up and
without bikes. QuickTime
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Bus Transit
Passenger Shelters - vs0239
9 Clips TRT 3:13
Zooming pan out from "Shuttle Buses Only" sign to a bus
passenger shelter with a parked bus. Portrait shots and
pans of bus shelters. Shots of a shuttle bus entering and
exiting bus terminal. Bus terminal with large public art
piece. QuickTime
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& Diesel Buses - vs0489
7 Clips TRT 1:11
Red toned archival shot of a bus stopping. Electric bus
shot from moving car. Wide shot of diesel bus passing intersection.
A close-up of diesel emissions from an overhead exhaust
pipe of a stopped bus. QuickTime
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Bus Stops
& Shelters - vs0490
5 Clips TRT 0:24
Views of bus stops and shelters shot from passing car. Shots
in urban downtown, a suburb, in front of a shopping center,
and in front of an apartment complex. QuickTime
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