Archived Video Stock Footage
Roadway Traffic: Locations & Movements
EcoIQ.com’s video stock footage clips are no longer available for purchase. We will continue to make our more than 5000 preview clips viewable for historical and archival purposes.
& Residential Streets - vs0079
3 Clips TRT 0:32
Two shots taken from a moving car driving on an arterial
road with many cars and an empty diamond lane. One angled
shot from roadside of a two-lane residential street with
parked cars, car traffic and a bicyclist. QuickTime
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& Entrance Ramp Traffic - vs0080
11 Clips TRT 3:12
Shot from moving car of cars driving on highway and navigating
around road repair. Driving on overpass, with view of driver
holding steering wheel (shot from passenger seat). A row
of cars on an entrance ramp. A long exit ramp. Static shots
from overpass looking down on heavy traffic. QuickTime
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Streets & Traffic - vs0082
12 Clips TRT 2:53
Shots from moving car and from sidewalk of downtown streets
with traffic, pedestrians, and bicyclists. Shots driving
down roadways. Heavy car traffic with taxis and buses. People
using crosswalks and waiting for a bus with car traffic
in background. QuickTime
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& Road Traffic Congestion - vs0083
13 Clips TRT 3:07
Wideshots, medium, and close-ups looking down at highway
traffic congestion, shot from an overpass. Also some shots
from a moving car and from the roadside of bumper-to-bumper
traffic. QuickTime
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From A Squirrel's POV - vs0286
5 Clips TRT 1:30
Views of car traffic shot from a very low to the ground
perspective. Tight shots of cars passing by and making turns
with close ups of car bodies and tires. Wide shot of sidewalk
with car traffic in background. Mother and child run across
street, and bicyclist passes by. QuickTime
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Missoula Montana Streets - vs0305
3 Clips TRT 0:44
Wide and medium shots looking down a wide street in downtown
Missoula, Montana. Views of car traffic with rows of traffic
lights variously changing from green to yellow to red. QuickTime
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Street Traffic From Median - vs0315
7 Clips TRT 6:46
Two shots of car traffic at an intersection entering left
turn lanes, turning, moving forward, and stopped at the
light. These clips are repeated at high speed. One of these
shots zooms back along the median showing traffic in both
directions. Shots of oncoming traffic, one is also repeated
sped up. QuickTime
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At Night From Car - vs0321
14 Clips TRT 8:04
Shots from a car on a tollway at night with light car and
semi truck traffic. Most clips have a slow motion effect,
saturated colors, and prismatic flares from streetlights
and headlights. Views of entering a toll booth, turns, and
straightaways. QuickTime
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Strip Street Traffic - vs0325
13 Clips TRT 3:38
Commercial street traffic at dusk shot from the median.
Various wide shots of car traffic, headlights on, with three
lanes in each direction. Medium shots of cars and trucks
driving, with retail signs in background. Multiple shots
are repeated at high speed emphasizing car movements. QuickTime
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Starting & Turning - vs0455
4 Clips TRT 0:33
Tight shot of a row of cars and SUVs making a left turn.
Large extended cab truck making a slow left turn. Close
up of a truck towing boat stopping briefly and then accelerating.
Medium wide shot of a black SUV stopping and then turning
left. QuickTime
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Passing Diagonally - vs0456
18 Clips TRT 6:23
Various shots of traffic passing at a diagonal to the camera.
Settings include an overpass, in front of a restaurant,
at an intersection, in front of a shopping mall, going under
a bridge, in front of a motel, with hillsides in distance,
and with palm trees in the background. QuickTime
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Traffic Passing - vs0458
7 Clips TRT 2:10
Views of traffic passing perpendicular to the camera. Close
up shot of cars and trucks passing a man sitting at the
roadside. Wide shots of cars going by a fast food restaurant
and by gas station signs. View of tops of vehicles passing
a banner that reads "Thanks for traveling." QuickTime
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At Night - vs0459
18 Clips TRT 4:43
Traffic at night shot from moving car and from roadside.
Passing an oil refinery with lights. Wide shot of roadway
with smoke stacks in background. Wide shot of cars with
headlights passing diagonally. Oncoming car with bright
prismatic headlights on dark road. Some shots with special
effects. QuickTime
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Cars To
Side - Parked & Moving - vs0460
5 Clips TRT 1:05
Two close up shots from moving car of cars parked on the
street. Tight shot driving parallel to a shiny two door,
then it accelerates ahead out of the frame. Shot driving
parallel to a black SUV that moves forward and back before
exiting the frame. QuickTime
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Viewed From Moving Car - vs0461
13 Clips TRT 3:05
Shots driving in traffic over a bridge. Includes views of
cars, trucks, vans, and a bus. A shot of an SUV seen from
the rear. Close ups driving next to cars in light traffic.
Driving in heavy urban traffic, shot through front window. QuickTime
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In Motion & In Traffic - vs0462
3 Clips TRT 0:29
Static tight shot of tires and cars passing through an intersection.
Close up shot of a moving wheel, then the road, car, then
focusing on another tire. Angled shot of tires and lower
half of SUV driving ahead of the camera. QuickTime
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Stop &
Go Traffic Congestion - vs0463
4 Clips TRT 0:57
Shot of cars stuck in city traffic. Shot of heavy traffic
moving forward diagonally to camera, palm trees in background.
Two shots in stop and go traffic in an urban setting, including
a view of brake lights going on and off. QuickTime
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