Archived Video Stock Footage
Residential Areas
EcoIQ.com’s video stock footage clips are no longer available for purchase. We will continue to make our more than 5000 preview clips viewable for historical and archival purposes.
Losing Battle
With House Fire - vs0018
28 Clips
TRT 12:34
Shots of a losing battle with a house fire. Shots of house in
smoke and flames plus time lapse of house burning to the ground.
Yellow fire engine with fire in background. Fire fighters spraying
water. Flame close-ups.
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& Housing Urban Blight - vs0289
12 Clips
TRT 3:47
Shots from moving car of commercial and housing urban blight.
Boarded up and vacant retail stores, empty commercial and residential
lots, trash in front yards, dilapidated homes and apartment
buildings. Shots also show leafless trees under gray cloudy
skies. QuickTime
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Gray & Barren
Suburban Housing - vs0311
4 Clips
TRT 1:34
Wide shots looking down a long row of homes with minimal trees
and landscaping. Zoom in down the sidewalk to front yard lawns,
basketball hoop, and autos in driveways. Gray cloudy skies.
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Large Suburban
Home With Flag - vs0312
1 Clip
TRT 0:27
One shot of a large, two story suburban home. American flag
waves above the driveway. Grass lawn with tree and bush landscaping
in front of home. Gray cloudy skies.
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Neighborhoods From Car - vs0439
7 Clips
TRT 2:22
Views of residential neighborhoods shot from moving car. Shots
of houses, tree lined streets, sidewalks, parked cars, wood
and stone fences, lawns, and bushes. One shot of street without
car parking and larger homes on bigger lots.
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From Car & Plane - vs0440
9 Clips
TRT 1:47
Shots from moving car of urban neighborhood sidewalks, parked
cars, bicyclists, and facades of residential buildings with
no open space between them. Two sweeping birds eye view pans
of neighborhoods from a plane. One snow shot.
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Buildings & Complexes - vs0441
7 Clips
TRT 0:34
Apartment buildings and complexes shot from moving car. Multi-story
apartments in urban setting. Two and three story suburban complexes
with various parking options - parking lots, carports, and first
floor parking. One short aerial shot.
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Mobile Homes,
RVs & Trailers - vs0442
6 Clips
TRT 1:01
Prefab home carried on flatbed of semi-truck. RV driving past
shopping center. RV passing under bridge and making left turn.
Small camper trailers parked in field, one shot including a
boy and dog.
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Mixed Use
Neighborhoods From Car - vs0443
8 Clips
TRT 1:56
Shots driving down streets with apartments, restaurants, first
floor retail shops, pedestrians, and parked cars. Also shots
of delivery vehicle and city bus.
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Single Family
Housing - Archival - vs0573
8 Clips
TRT 1:08
Sepia toned shots of a two story home, close-up of roof shingles.
Black and white shots of pan of a town, two men walking down
street in front of one-story housing. Wide shot aerial view
of housing developments from plane.
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Paper Boy
On Bicycle - Archival - vs0577
1 Clip
TRT 0:18
Teenage boy wearing glasses, shorts, and tube socks rides bike
slowly down street, pulls papers out of his bag and throws them
to houses left and right. Shot starts wide and ends in close-up
(circa 1960s).
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