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Photovoltaic solar cells on commercial buildings. Includes arrays, racks, controller, inverter, relay station.
38 Stock Video Clips
TRT: 13 Minutes 17 Seconds
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About The Clips: Large solar photovoltaic arrays on commercial buildings. Arrays mounted on racks and oriented for best capture of sunlight. Static portraits, pans and zooms, with shots from rooftop looking directly at arrays, looking across them, and looking out over them to environmental elements, including traffic, trees, surrounding buildings, and electrical lines, poles, and relay equipment. Some clips capture the sun reflected off the arrays. Some close-ups included, plus shots of supporting racks, the underside with braces connecting racks to rooftops, PV control and AC inverter equipment, power generation and system status display, and wiring and power cables from side and under racks. Shot using a Panasonic DVX100 3-Chip MiniDV camera by videographer Mike Kahn in 2004 in San Jose and Palo Alto, California.
Related Clip Groups: Wind, solar photovoltaic, solar thermal and conservation here, and close-up of solar photovoltaic here.